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Pacific Northwest To Host ASNE Symposium, March 16-19 "Logistical Technologies for the 21st Century" is the theme of the 1993 Annual Navy Logistics Symposium, an event coordinated by the Ameri- can Society of Naval Engineers' (ASNE) Puget Sound Section, and scheduled for March 16-19 at the Red Lion Hotel in Seattle, Wa. Viewing technology as the springboard for future systems, the work in the Integrated Logis- tics Support community is paving the way to greater use of automated tools, higher opera- tional availability and reliability, and an in- creased emphasis on diagnostics. The event marks the first time in many years that ASNE has held an event in the Pacific Northwest, and this symposium will combine the presentation of several papers on timely topics, with opportunities for open discussion to foster idea exchange. The symposium gets into full swing on Wednes- day, March 17, with the 8:15 a.m. Keynote Ad- dress by C. Geiger, deputy commander fleet logistics support, Naval Sea Systems Command. Session One, which is entitled "Future Logis- tics Issues," starts at 8:45 a.m., and includes papers on Global Environmental Compliance, Enabling Approaches of FCIM and RAMP, Logis- tic Challenges of NDI/COTS, and Spring for Suc- cessful Offshore Mission. The luncheon speaker on day one is F. Goodell, director of continuous quality improvement, Boeing Corporation. Session Two, entitled "Logistics Planning/Fore- casting," starts at 1 p.m. and includes discussion of OHIO Class Maintenance and Material Fore- casting and Application of Quantitative Fore- casting. The final session of the day, Session Three, an Interactive Tech Manuals Panel, includes cover- age of IETM Overview and Status, IETM for Modernizing Ship Level Maintenance and Ac- quisition Strategies for IETM, and an ensuing panel discussion. Day two, Thursday, March 18, starts at 8 a.m. with Session Four, entitled "Integrating Techni- cal Information," which includes the presenta- tion of six papers including Integrated Technical Data Management, The Expert System for Provi- sioning and An Integrated Outfitting Manage- ment System (ACTS). Rear Admiral J. B. Greene, Jr., assistant deputy chief of naval operations (logistics), is the scheduled lunch speaker. The conference wraps-up with a Session Five panel discussion, "Advances In Diagnostics," at 2:15 p.m. Topics for discussion include Mainte- nance Processor/Time Stress Device and Ship System Diagnostic Improvements. Aside from the professional aspects of the ASNE conference, an array of activities have been scheduled to create an inviting social atmo- sphere as well. Several tours and cruises have been arranged to allow attendees and their spouses to enjoy the area. Scheduled tours include a Sample Seattle tour, from 1 to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, a Snoqualmie Falls/Chateau Ste. Michelle Winery tour from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, and a Tillicum Village Cruise and Salmon Bake for Thursday evening. For additional information on the professional and social aspects of the ASNE Annual Navy Logistics Symposium, contact: Steve Seteroff at (206) 779-3235, Mike Knight at (206) 476- 2081 or Jerry Johnson, ASNE Puget Sound Chair, at (206) 660-5918. BISSO MARINE SINCE 1890 P.O. BOX 4113 NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA 70178 (504) 866-6341 FAX: (504) 865-8132 TELEX: 5106009674 (BISSO MARINE) MEMBER 84 Circle 275 on Reader Service Card ASNE Symposium Schedule of Events Tuesday, March 16 5 p.m.—Exhibitor Area Open, Registratio: Wednesday, March 17 8:15 a.m. — Keynote Address: C. Geiger deputy commander fleet logistics support Naval Sea Systems Command. 8:45 a.m. — SESSION 1: Future Logistics Issues Moderator: John Bell, executive director, Naval Supply Center, Puget Sound Topics: Global Environmental Compliance, P. Schatzberg, NSWC Carderock Enabling Approaches of FCIM and RAMP, J. Wiggins, JC-FCIM Logistic Challenges of NDI/COTS, L. LeFevre, Vitro Sparing for Successful Offshore Mission, J. Knezevic, D. Dou, Center for MIRCE, Univ. of Exeter, U.K. 11:30 a.m. — Luncheon 1 p.m. — SESSION 2: Logistics Planning/ Forecasting Moderator: Robert LaFontaine, chief de- sign engineer, PSNS Topics: Ohio Class Maintenance and Material Fore- casting, C. Martin, Computer Sciences Cor- poration Application of Quantitative Forecasting, D. Fountain, Newport News Shipbuilding 3:30 p.m. — SESSION 3: Interactive Manu- als Panel Moderator: Robert LaFountaine Topics: IETM Overview and Status, J. Fuller and E. Jorgensen, NSWC Carderock IETM for Modernizing Ship Level Mainte- nance, S. Buchler, G.E. Aerospace Acquisition Strategies for IETM, M. Ander- son, ANTECH Systems 7 p.m. — Banquet Thursday, March 18 8 a.m. — SESSION 4: Integrating Technical Information Moderator: Estes Grade, technical direc- tor, NUWC Keyport Topics: Real Time Information for Ohio Class, D. Arundel, Electric Boat Integrated Technical Data Management, D. Fisher, NUWC, Keyport Life Cycle Resource System, J. Leonard, K. Dieter, PERA (CV) Integration of Ship Information/Configura- tion Database, R. Leenstra, L. Otic, Ap- plied Technical Systems The Expert System for Provisioning, B. Bolner, NSWC Port Hueneme An Integrated Outfitting Management Sys- tem (ACTS): M. Ritchie, D. Nobel, PSNS 11:50 a.m. — Lunch 1:15 p.m. — SESSION 5: Advances In Diag- nostics Panel Moderator: David Altwegg, executive di- rector for weapons and combat systems di- rectorate Topics: Maintenance Processor/Time Stress Device, S. Broadwater, Westinghouse Ship System Diagnostic Improvements, M. Elfont, NAVSSES Maritime Reporter/Engineering News