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introducing its new magnetic auto- pilot, the NAVIPILOT V/M, which is being aimed at the workboat, OSV and under 90-foot yacht mar- k.6ts The NAVIPILOT V/M is designed for those operators who do not find it cost-effective to have a complete gyrocompass system onboard, yet need accurate heading information to guide peripheral equipment. During installation, compass de- viation is stored and corrected in the pilot's memory and during daily op- eration, local variation can be easily changed by the operator. The result is a corrected magnetic heading that is remarkably close to true. RADIO HOLLAND Circle 66 on Reader Service Card Radio Holland, with its U.S. head- quarters located in Houston, Texas, has established a complete program for maritime GMDSS stations, in- cluding GMDSS equipment, shore- based maintenance and radio traffic accounting with air time cost-sav- ing programs. Aii SP Radio (Sailor) integrated communications console combines all GMDSS-required radio elements into a compact, state-of-the-art pack- age, designed to be installed on a vessel's bridge. Radio Holland's GMDSS pack- age also includes a qualified short based maintenance program thf supports worldwide operation £ dramatically reduced costs and n dio traffic accounting, with optionc Inmarsat air time packages avail able for further savings. System installation can be ac complished at ports throughout th world with operator training avail able aboard ship and at shore loca tions. The Radio Holland GMDSS sys- tem, in conjunction with Kelvir. Hughes "Nucleus" radars and inte- grated bridge components, is de- signed to improve efficiency and safety. RAYTHEON Circle 85 on Reader Service Card Raytheon Marine Company, of Hudson, N.H., introduces the RAY 201, RAY 202 and the hand-held RAY 105 VHF-FM radios, all de- signed to withstand the toughest marine conditions. Key features of the RAY 201 and RAY202 VHF's include: all U.S. and international channels, plus 10 weather channels; All Scan, Select Scan and a new DWX Mode which keeps you apprised of urgent weather updates while monitoring Channel 16; Quick Channel Select; and a transmit modulation bar graph. The RAY 202 also offers a 10- watt hailer with fog signal and sound amplifier, a built-in scrambler and channel change buttons mounted on the handset. The 6.2-inch by 2.3-inch by 1.5- inch RAY 105 hand-held VHF fea- tures: Select Scan and DWX Mode; 92 receive, 53 transmit and 10 weather channels; a 6-watt battery which reduces to 1-watt for short range and 0.1-watt for in-harbor communications; a Sleep Mode that reduces power after 60 seconds of inactivity and returns to normal power for incoming messages; and a low battery indicator. RD INSTRUMENTS Circle 76 on Reader Service Card To simplify vessel maneuvering in port, RD Instruments, of San Di- ego, Calif., enables pilots to consult a comprehensive water current monitoring network using the company's Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) dispersed along the port's traffic channels. These instruments are mounted on the seabed to avoid interfering with vessel traffic. Once a second, each ADCP remotely measures wa- ter current speeds throughout the water column. These measurements are commu- nicated to the pilot's office where they are instantly summarized by a computer. This synopsis is then relayed to the pilots aboard vessels entering or leaving port so they can allow for currents that affect their vessel's movements. Several ports around the world, including Keppel Harbor in Singapore and the Port of Tampa Bay in the U.S., are presently using RD's ADCPs to monitor water cur- rent speeds in shipping channels. 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Do a real rate comparison and you'll find that our pricing is very competitive with all the Inmarsat service providers. We are the lowest in many areas. We offer off-peak reductions, volume discounts, and incentive programs custom-designed for savings. And remember—you get what you pay for! When you need the most experienced, reliable and versatile provider of maritime communications, turn to number one, COMSAT For additional information, contact COMSAT at 1-800-424-9152 (in the U.S.) or 1-202-863-6567. ifi COMSAT. Maritime Services COMSAT Maritime Services 950 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20024 Circle 274 on Reader Service Card 38 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News