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MACKAY Circle 67 on Reader Service Card Mackay Communications, of Edison, N.J., is marketing the new- est addition to the SATURN family of Inmarsat products, the marine version of the Standard-M, manu- factured by ABB Nera. The family already includes A and C terminals for portable, land-based and ma- rine applications. The fully digitalized Saturn-M provides access to the domestic and international telephone network for voice, data and fax operation. All functional controls on the Saturn-M are carried out from the advanced handset with integral al- phanumeric display. A single coax cable between the below decks and above decks equipment ensures quick and simple installation. MAGNAVOX Circle 58 on Reader Service Card Manavox Electronic Systems Company, of Torrance, Calif., is introducing a marine satellite tele- phone terminal that provides de- pendable global ship-shore commu- nications for boats as small as 40 feet, bringing the technology within reach of workboats, charter yachts, commercial and sport fishing boats and other small vessels. The MX 3400 MAGNAPhone-M is one of the first new generation ultra-small marine satellite tele- phone terminals using the Inmarsat-M digital voice service. The MAGNAPhone-M antenna as- sembly weights 85 lbs and the radome is 30 inches. Working like a shore-based telephone, the sys- tem automatically keeps the an- tenna pointed towards the appro- priate satellite once it is switched on and initialized. Calling from ship-to-shore, or vice versa, is sim- ply a matter of dialing in the num- ber. The system can also support 2,400-bps modem and fax interface. MARINE ELECTRIC SYSTEMS Circle 71 on Reader Service Card The Galbraith-Pilot Marine™ product line of Marine Electric Sys- tems, Inc., of Clifton, N.J., provides shipboard loudspeaker systems for reliable intership communications. The systems are used to communi- cate from ship-to-ship, and ship-to- shore, particularly during docking maneuvers. Marine Electric Sys- tems has designated its systems as: docking and navigation loudspeaker systems; general announcing and talkback systems; emergency loud- speaker systems, a safety require- ment for large passenger ships; loudhailer systems; and fog signal systems. The company's ruggedly- constructed and shock-proof ampli- fiers are able to withstand the high humidity, salt spray corrosion, fun- gus and corrosive fumes found aboard ship. Its loudspeaker sys- tems are available from 50 watts to over 4,000 watts. MARINET SYSTEMS Circle 109 on Reader Service Card Marinet Systems, of Rickmansworth, U.K., builds some 100 of the most efficient Message Trans- fer Agents (MTAs) in the world of marine satellite communications. The MTA provides a proven store- and-forward electronic messaging service with the ability to transfer information electronically, whether it be text, facsimile, image, program files or pure binary data. The Marinet system is ideal for Inmarsat-A usage, reducing satel- lite data transmission costs by over 85 percent. Each MTA is a modular configurable message handling sys- tem offering up to 32 ports in its standard form, dependent on con- figuration and software releases. Each port can link directly to a V24 compatible peripheral device or line interface such as telex, facsimile, modems, etc. The MTA can provide local and wide area networks, computer ac- cess such as AS400 or Unix systems and public and private E-mail sys- tems. MEGAPULSE Circle 74 on Reader Service Card Megapulse, Inc., Bedford, Mass., a designer and manufacturer of solid- state Loran-C systems, offers ma- rine customers its new Accufix 500N+ integrated navigation receiver. Several navies and research insti- tutes have purchased the Accufix series of receivers since the company began production in 1981, with over 150 units currently in operation worldwide. The Accufix 500N+ has been up- graded to include an internal DGPS MSK receiver as an option at the time of ordering or at a later date. Two additional new Megapulse products are the Accufix D100 and D200, DGPS MSK Beacon Broad- cast receivers, which are designed to work with any DGPS RTCM104 ca- pable GPS receiver. MICRONAUTICS Circle 77 on Reader Service Card Mirconautics, of Rockport, Maine, is offering two new tide software products to marine customers. "WORLD.Tide" gives DOS computer users tide predictions for 6,400 ports around the globe, and "TIDE.Mac" provides Macintosh owners with all North American tide and current data. All of Micronautics' programs actually calculate tide height or cur- rent speed for every minute of the day, furnishing the user with as much detail of these complex phenomenon as desired. All products also provide solar and lunar information and of- fer a variety of options, including plots and calenders. The company has been develop- ing industrial grade software for seven years, and its original prod- ucts, TIDE. 1 Rise & Fall and TIDE.2 Ebb & Flow, are used extensively on ships and in commercial, government and scientific offices around the coun- try. Micronautics backs its products with unlimited technical assistance. MITEL Circle 126 on Reader Service Card Mitel, Inc., of Reston, Va., is a leading manufacturer of telecommu- nications equipment for commercial, government and maritime applica- tions. Mitel's maritime products are designed for operation in the harsh ocean environment and are available in a variety of configura- tions, including shock mounting and conformal coating, all fully tested to U.S. Navy shipboard standards. Mitel offers a complete range of ser- vices including engineering, manu- facturing, installation, training and support. The company's offices are located worldwide to provide fast response for support and spare parts. MOTOROLA Circle 78 on Reader Service Card Northbrook, 111.-based Motorola, Inc., has introduced the TRAXAR™ GPS Navigator, a handheld naviga- tion computer that provides mari- ners with highly accurate position, navigation, velocity and time infor- mation. It can be used anywhere in SAILOR SALES AND SERVICE AGENTS: ANTILLES (NETHERLANDS) Radio-Holland Caribbean N. V. Curacao N.A. Phone: (09) 612577 • Fax: (09) 612723 ARGENTINA Oton R. Klein S.A. • 1636 Olivos Prov. Bs. As. Phone: (01) 799-5071 • Fax: (01) 792-0649 AUSTRALIA ES. Rubin & Co. Pty. Ltd. St. Artarmon, NSW 2064 Phone: (02) 439-2333 • Fax: (02) 439-2278 BAHRAIN Aeradio Technical Services Mina Salman Industrial Area Phone: 727790 (6 lines) • Fax: 727811 BANGLADESH Graphics Communications Limited • Dhaka Phone: (02) 231045 • Fax: (02) 883627 BELGIUM Antwerp Marine Radio Company N.V. 2030 Antwerp • Phone: (03) 541.04.63 Fax: (03) 542.61.73/542.57.98 BRAZIL O.L. Naval Ltda. • Rio de Janeiro - RJ Phone: (021) 222.5667/292-4148, line 171 Fax: (021) 242.7934 CANADA Radio Holland (Canada) Ltd. British Colombia V7J 2C5 Phone: (604) 254-1311 • Fax: (604) 983-3344 CHILE Equipos Industriales S.AC./. • Santiago Phone: (02) 6990506 • Fax: (02) 334539 CROATIA Bel Marine Zastupstvo i Servis HRV-61221 Kostrena Phone: (051) 212248 • Fax: (051) 211179 CYPRUS A. * P. Hadjipieros • Limassol Phone: (05) 345972 • Fax: (05) 345973 ECUADOR Industrial Anabra C. Ltda. • Guayaquil Phone: (04) 309766 • Fax: (04) 313694 EGYPT Suez Electronics Free Zone S.A.E. Alexandria • Phone: (03) 806899/807426 Fax: (03) 804196 Suez Electronics Engineering & Trading Ltd. Cairo • Phone: (02) 611124 • Fax: (02) 2635219 FINLAND Oy Hedengren AB • 00101 Helsinki Phone: (0) 68281 • Fax: (0) 673019 AES Systems Oy • 02201 Espoo Phone: (0) 422155 • Fax: (0) 422908 FRANCE Avon S.A. • 13007 Marseille Phone: • Fax: SD Marine • 78500 Sartrouville Phone: (1) • Fax: (1) GERMANY Elna GmbH • W-2084 Rellingen/Hamburg Phone: (04101)301-00 • Fax: (04101)301214 GREECE Elenava Ltd.-V. Androutsos • 10431 Athens Phone: (01) 5243393 • Fax: (01) 5237749 GUADELOUPE L.G.E.M. • 97110 Pointe A Pitre Phone: 90.89.19 • Fax: 90.85.33 HOLLAND Radio-Holland Group • 3087 AB Rotterdam Phone: (010) 4283344 • Fax: (010) 4281498 SaJltron B.V. (yachts only) • 3521 BL Utrecht Phone: (030) 944741 • Fax: (030) 937642 HONG KONG Radio Holland Group • Hong Kong Phone: 423-9007 • Fax: 480-5898 ICELAND Radiomidun Ltd. • 101 Reykjavik Phone: 91 -622640 • Fax: 91 -26475 INDIA Elcome Marine Services Pvt. 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Subang Jaya 47500 Phone: (03) 734- 211S/20 • Fax: (03) 734-2127 MALTA Medcomms Ltd. • Gzira Phone: 335521 • Fax: 310820 MEXICO Nautica, S.A. de C.V. • 01010 Mexico D.F. Phone: (5) 651-9740 • Fax: (5) 651-2825 MOROCCO Soremar - Casablanca 21900 Phone: 2-307688 • Fax: 2-305383 NEW ZEALAND Electronic Navigation Ltd. • Auckland Phone: (09) 3764051 • Fax: (09) 3780184 NIGERIA Netarcomms Nigeria Limited • Lagos State Phone: (01) 870517 • Fax: (01) 870507 NORWAY AEG Norge A/S • 2000 Lillestrom Phone: (02) 897800 • Fax: (02) 897941 PAKISTAN International Aeradio Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. 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Ltd. • Taipei Phone: 2-775-3278 • Fax: 2-781-5990 THAILAND Scan Pacific Co.. Ltd. • Bangkok 10110 Phone: (2) 2594273-6 • Fax: (2) 2594274 TUNISIA Alcatel Tunisie • 2035 La Soukra Phone: (1) 717177 - Fax: (1) 719888 TURKEY Muhendis Hilkat Bolulu Co. (public) Istanbul • Phone: (1) 243-4576 Fax: (1) 244-3739 Elektro-Deniz Ltd. Sti. (private) • Istanbul Phone: (1) 243-4937 • Fax: (1) 243-5218 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Elcome International • Dubai Phone: (04) 371335 • Fax: (04) 373426 UNITED KINGDOM S P. Radio (UK) • Croydon (pleasure/fishing) Phone: 081 -686-5363 • Fax: 081 -688-9081 Ships Electronic Services Ltd. (deep sea) Greenhithe, Kent DA9 9NL Phone: (0322) 385053 • Fax: (0322) 387007 URUGUAY Electromaritima Uruguaya Ltda. Montevideo Phone: (02) 947139 • Fax: (02) 947138 USA Radio-Holland USA, B.V. • Houston • Texas Phone: (713) 943-3325 • Fax: (713) 943-3802 VENEZUELA Radio Holland De Venezuela S.A. • Caracas Phone: (02) 7527480/7518324 Fax: (02) 7518324 SAILOR Maritime Reporter/Engineering News