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(Continued from page 19) more information about the AWO Annual Meeting and Spring Con- vention, contact Sherry Hanson at AWO headquarters at (703) 841- 9300. Tuesday, March 30 AWO and the American Water- ways Shipyard Conference are spon- soring an economic forecasting semi- nar entitled "The U.S. Economy: Taxes, Trade and Outlook," from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The seminar fea- tures discussion of industry econom- ics and the new Administration's tax and trade policy and budget pri- orities. The special seminar is open to both AWO members and non- members. For seminar information, please contact Lori Swenningsen at (703) 841-9300. Committees of the American Waterways Shipyard Conference will convene following the seminar. Wednesday, March 31 8 - 9 a.m. — AWO Health, Safety and Training Committee 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. — AWSC Mem- bership Meeting 9:30 -11:30 a.m. —AWO Legisla- tive Committee 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. — AWO Public Affairs Committee 2 - 4:30 p.m. — AWO Regulatory Committee 5-6 p.m. — Spring Convention reception for attendees and guests Thursday, April 1 Special Session of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors convenes a special session at 8 a.m. specifically to consider recommen- dation by the association's 1992 Task Force on mission, structure and fi- nance to modify the current AWO committee structure. Following that discussion, the association will elect its officers for 1993 and actively con- sider other legislative, regulatory and public affairs initiatives such as OPA 90 implementation, trade is- sues, the Endangered Species Act and policy matters relating to infra- structure. ^SHERMAN'S ^Iholesale Marine supply co., inc. CompuNav SYSTEMS REXR °™ K®DEN SITE)® ^^rthUH [S] GoldStar KENWOOD LKttOn Electronic Sales & Service zROVEt Hellamarine Boat lighting and accessories PRODUCTS COMPANY marine HONK MARIN£R Suspension Seats C(1F Kort Nozzles and Engine Room Blowers Baywood Aluminum Hatches PROPELLERS - All Sizes & Types 4540 B Downman Road • New Orleans, Louisiana 70126 504-244-8777 • Fax 504-241-5260 WE TRY HARDER Circle 305 on Reader Service Card •ELECTRICAL SHIPBOARD CABLES •PORTABLE CORDS & POWER CABLES •INDUSTRIAL CABLES & BUILDING WIRE *WELDING & MINING CABLES •CONTROL & SIGNAL CABLES •COMMUNICATION, ELECTRONIC & COAXIAL CABLES More Than 40 Years Of Dependable Service! L.F. GAUBERT & CO. INC. P.O. BOX 50500 NEW ORLEANS, LA. 70150 (504) 822-7272 NEW ENGLAND TRAWLER EQUIPMENT COMPANY Manufacturers of Custom Engineered Marine Deck Machinery For Over 65 Years Anchor Windlasses for Chain 1/2" to 4" A.B.S. Certified Winches - Anchoring, Traction, Towing, Oceanographic, Mooring Capstans - Warping Heads up to 36" in Diameter Cranes Hydraulic Power Units Hoists Computer Aided Design Designed to Fit Your Needs - Not Ours Circle 274 on Reader Service Card SEND YOUR INQVIKIES TO: NEW ENGLAND TRAWLER EQUIPMENT COMPANY 291 EASTERN AVE. CHELSEA, MA 02150 TELE. (617) 884-4354 OK FAX. (617) 889-5240 Circle 236 on Reader Service Card 20 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News Don't let ordinal filters erode your Cat Engine performance. Specify genuine Cat* filters, instead. Unlike most filters adapted from basic auto- motive design, Cat filters are specifically engineered to improve filtration, efficiency, and capacity for Cat Engines. Get more out of your engine by putting more in. For more information on widely available Cat Preventive Maintenance Products, call 1-800-447-4986. CATERPILLAR ©1992 Caterpillar Circle 276 on Reader Service Card