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Total Quality However, ABB's commitment to customer service starts with a com- mitment to its employees and total quality. ABB U.S.A. field service technicians are trained for two years, including a three-week training course at the factory in Switzerland. Also, service technicians, including those stationed at authorized ser- vice stations, are brought to the North Brunswick, N. J., facility once a year for a week-long refresher course, to hone traditional skills and learn new ones. Additionally, ABB Turbocharger expects to soon be certified under the ISO 9000 total quality manage- ment guidelines. ISO 9000 is a se- ries of guidelines and standards on quality systems and requirements written and maintained by the In- ternational Organization for Stan- dardization Technical Committee (TC176), which is comprised of rep- resentatives from 97 countries. Al- though the costs to become and re- main certified are substantial and include every member of the ABB Turbocharger organization, Mr. Rothmann believes it is "the right thing to do," and the investment will pay off as he believes certification will become a requirement to do business with most companies. Client Contacts Are The Key To Future Success Enhanced technical capabilities and quality standards are useless Balancing of a VTR714 Turbocharger Rotor unless the customer is made aware of them, and this is a current chal- lenge ABB Turbocharger is tack- ling. "We would like to extend our rela- tionship (with clients) to provide technical and commercial informa- tion to more of our client base," said Mr. Rothmann. "This will allow us to service our customers better and prepare for potential problems." Mr. Rothmann sees this as a more personalized contact effort to help shipowners plan for overhauls and service, to quickly diagnose and treat problems to keep turbocharg- ers running at peak performance. ABB Turbocharger currently con- ducts information seminars at loca- tions around the country and is of- fering personalized training for ship- board maintenance personnel, and Mr. Rothmann hopes to expand this effort in the near future. l report is filled out and for- led to the company's worldwide lquarters in Baden, Switzerland, i repair information could be Liable to the 76 ABB service sta- s worldwide. )ther service shops have no ac- s to ABB's latest service and re- r specifications and require- ats, nor the benefit of the exten- 5 service network, said Stephen rak, manager, technical services, lere are certain intricacies of data ich ABB has and competitors do :, which we have gained through aerience and testing." Whether it's an overhaul, a re- ir or a recondition of existing parts, r. Rothmann contends ABB Tur- charger can offer customers sub- antial savings due to its developed rvice network. Reconditioning/welding of turbocharger blades in a specially designed, clean and climate-controlled room. U.S. Bonded Carrier C.H.L.2192 ICC.MC208148 • Specializing in ship shares & transit • Servicing NY Metro area, piers, airports, shipyards • Exclusive service to shipyard on the East Coast • Available 7 days a week (weekend & after hours service available) VM TRUCKING Co. Inc. Building 62, Brooklyn Navy Yard, Brooklyn, NY 11205 Tel. 718-797-9978 • Fax 718-858-6231 Circle 214 on Reader Service Card Circle 263 on Reader Service Card Circle 216 on Reader Service Card We Make It Happen! NEW CONSTRUCTION CONVERSIONS REPAIRS DRYDOCKING GAMBLING VESSELS INLAND PUSHBOATS SUPPLY BOATS SEISMIC VESSELS BARGES SPECIALTY VESSELS ] L Hwy. 90 East P.O. Box 1190 Jennings, LA 70546 PH. 318/824-2210 FAX 318/824-2970 J AAbgJ^F/L A?Li LEEVAC I SHIPYARDS, INC. Export enquires are welcomed. For more information please contact: AVBAINBRIDGE / AQUABATTEN 252 Revere St., Canton, MA 02021 USA • 617-821-2600 (tel) • 617-821-2609 (fax) The Professional Temporary Floor & Wall Protection System If you are in the Maritime Industry and you are experiencing the normal difficulties of protecting decks, bulkheads, corridors or panels, then you need to contact MEGAFILM. They have developed the first-ever professional system which is safe to use, non-slip and is available in flame retardant grades. Roll widths are available in 6 ft., 3 ft. and 2 ft. and are obtainable in a delivery time of 1 to 3 days, depending on your location in the U.S.A. The unique construction of MegaFilm means that it is able to be used as a temporary protection material on walls, as well as floors when the flame retardant grades are specified. The film has a pyramid construction, which when used on floors with the pyramids facing down creates a temporary non-slip surface, which depending on the grade chosen will protect against all types of workman and refurbishment programs. When used vertically as a wall protector, the pyramids are placed facing out to act as an extremely effective vertical protection system, if a flame retardant specification is specified.