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01 MM IHOHLDUIM. IIIH1 In EUERY CORHER OF THE UIORLD, from seaports to remote villages, from vast oceans to river deltas, in virtually every major oil and gas area, Tidewater provides the right equipment and expertise. At Tidewater, quality is an ethic that commands not only what we do, but how we do it. Our methods of operation have become the standard in our field. And now, we're setting even higher goals... THE TIDEUfRTER HIRRIHE DIUISIOH As the world's oldest and largest marine energy service company, we've unified our name worldwide. Simply put, the Tidewater name now encom- passes the global range of our operations. And with the recent acquisition through merger of Zapata Gulf Marine, we have expanded and diversified our fleets to continue to build on our reputation as the pacesetter in the international oil and gas industry. But that's not all... THE TIDEU1RTER COIHPRESSIOH DIUISIOH Our ongoing involvement in the natural gas and air compression fields originated as an extension Tidewater Inc.* of our service to the oil and gas industry. Now Tidewater has expanded these services into the international arena and under our unified name we can recog- nize and pursue opportunities in major world markets. With over 36 years of experience, you can expect Tidewater to surpass your demands for marine and compression services. Maintaining high standards is how we've built our company and endured the relentless seas of change. We are Tidewater. Steadfastly on course to serve all of your marine and compression needs. Worldwide Headquarters 1440 Canal Street • New Orleans, Louisiana 70112 USA (504)568-1010 FAX (504) 566-4582 TELEX 584216 Circle 272 on Reader Service Card