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Sl-Tex Marine To Sell And Service Koden Products in North America Koden Electronics Co., Ltd of Tokyo announced the consolidation of marketing operations of Koden International, Inc., of Norwell, Mass., and SI-Tex Marine Electron- ics, Inc., of Clearwater, Fla., an- nounced F.Y. Ito, president of Koden in Tokyo. Effective September 1, SI-Tex assumes total responsibility for the sales and service of all Koden ma- rine products in North America. Also, Ted Hansford, president and CEO of SI-Tex, will assume complete marketing responsibilities for both the SI-Tex and Koden prod- uct lines in North America, Mr. Ito said. Both product lines are naviga- tion and fishfinding electronics mar- keted to the marine industry. Most sales of SI-Tex products are to the consumer boating market, while commercial fisherman are the pri- mary buyers of Koden equipment. For more information, Circle 32 on Reader Service Card Oil Skimming Explained In Free Brochure Abanaki Corporation, which has more than 25 years experience in oil removal in a wide variety of indus- trial and environmental applica- tions, is offering "Oil Skimming Facts," a 14-page folder that pro- vides answers and application in- formation for many of the most en- countered questions and situations. The information explains the principles of skimming, the advan- tages and drawbacks of different types of skimming devices, and points out how to avoid many com- mon problems users encounter. Abanaki also offers a complete line of skimmers and related equip- ment, ranging from portable models with a capacity of four gallons per hour to systems with capacities up to 200 gph. For a copy of the brochure and information on Abanaki's complete product line, Circle 27 On Reader Service Card Dimetrics Introduces Gold Track III Welding System Dimetrics, Inc., Davidson, N.C., has introduced its Gold Track III, computer-controlled GTAW pipe welding system. The system is re- portedly designed to ensure high- quality, repeatable welds in a wide variety of orbital pipe and tube, or linear applications. The system provides a 300-amp maximum output at 20 volts. The unit's four systems include wire feed, travel, oscillator and arc voltage control and are all under control of an on-board programmable com- puter. The starting mode is weld head selectable, and operation may be via the high-voltage impulse arc September, 1992 starter or touch-start using com- puter programmed parameters. The operators console includes user friendly computer displays as well as override controls. The sys- tem also includes a handheld full function remote operator terminal. Dimetrics claims that as many as 16 welding procedures containing up to 12 segments each can be stored in the system's internal memory, and unlimited external weld-proce- dure storage—plus convenient ma- chine-to-machine data transfer—is available through Dimetrics' Weld- ing Data-Pak™ plug-in memory car- tridges. Other features of the system in- clude a built-in 1.8-gallon torch cool- ant system with heat exchanger, an inert gas control system, computer- interactive arc voltage control (ARC), and oscillator controls with synchro- nized pulsing capabilities. The sys- tem also offers Gold Track II capa- bility and can be used with all Dimetrics pipe and tube welding heads. The Gold Track III power supply is available as an upright rack unit and a low-profile dual-bay unit. Optional equipment includes a printer, strip chart recorder, remote video viewing system and additional Welding Data-Pak™ cartridges. For free literature detailing Dimetrics' Gold Track III welding system, Circle 77 on Reader Service Card Congratulations, Destriero Returns to Italy AUGUST 9,1992 —Destriero, the vessel of the Yacht dub Costa Smeralda, made history by crossing the Atlantic from Ambrose Light, New York to Bishop Rock, England, in 58 hours, 34 minutes and 50 seconds—breaking the previous record by 21 hours! The crossing was made without refueling and at an average speed of 53.09 knots over a total course of 3,106 miles. GE Marine & Industrial Engines is proud to have provided the three 20,000 horsepower LM1600 marine gas turbines which power this magnificent vessel. GE gas turbine propulsion continues to revolutionize high-speed marine transport. Industrial Engines The power to compete Circle 326 on Reader Service Card 95