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Crowley Maritime Announces Major Restructuring Following nearly a year of plan- ning and preparation, Crowley Mari- time Corporation of Oakland, Calif., has completed the restructuring of its organization, separating its busi- nesses into two major operating units. Effective August 1, Crowley's liner services businesses are being con- ducted by Crowley American Trans- port, Inc., and all marine contract services are being conducted by Crowley Marine Services, Inc. The two companies are direct subsidiar- ies of Crowley Maritime Corpora- tion, which now operates as a hold- ing company. In his formal announcement, Crowley Maritime Corporation Holding Company president and COO, James B. Rettig said, "The separation of Crowley's liner ser- vices business from its contract ser- vices business reflects the different operational requirements, risks, markets, financing needs and cus- tomers of these businesses, and will increase the market concentration and operational efficiency of each." Crowley American Transport (C.A.T.), under the leadership of president James J. Carey II, pro- vides liner services between the U.S., Central America, South America and the Caribbean. before yon meet the Coast Guard! Bilge Boy™ FROM NELSON * St Two sizes available— 96504-A 2-1/2 GPM, 96609-A 7-1/2 GPM Economical—best price on the market Call your local distributor or 800-356-6606 for the one closest to you Compact for easy retrofit- 96504-A 150 lbs. dry-35" x 28" xi6" 96609-A 300 lbs. dry—45" x45" x 30" Easily installed— f| 3 standard pipe'connections 1 3-wire electrical hook up Extremely efficient—far below U.S. Coast Gu & IMO 15 ppm discharge requirement Compatible with cleaners—Nelson's own or other recommended cleaners Oil content meter available— U.S. Coast Guard & IMO approved 99971-A Bilge Alarm NELSON DIVISION Environmental Systems Hwy. 51 West, P.O. Box 428, Stoughton, Wl 53589 U.S.A. Telephone (800) 356-6606 FAX (608) 873-1532 INDUSTRIES, INC. ELECTRIC WINCHES DIRECT DRIVE FAIL SAFE BRAKING - STANDARD POWER IN & POWER OUT - FULLY REVERSING NUMEROUS OPTIONS TO SUIT YOUR APPLICATIONS GROOVED DRUMS - CONTROLS - FREE SPOOLING - EXPLOSION PROOF LINE PULLS FROM 400 LBS TO 32,000 LBS VERTICAL LIFT JEAMAR WINCHES INC. 1051 Clinton St., Buffalo, N.Y. 14206 TEL (716) 854-3211 FAX (416) 889-3795 Circle 233 on Reader Service Card Voyage RepairssfxWorld Wide We Specialize in Voyage Repair at sea— offering Complete Service with select travel teams for the following: > Boiler Repair > Pipe Works • Steel Renewal • Engine Repair 1 Ballast Tank > Boiler Tube Supply > Heating Coil Renewals/Modifications • Electrical Repairs & Installation > Air Conditioning/Refigeration Repair 1 Ultrasonic Surveys ' All Classification Societies Certified Skilled Supervision CHEMICAL/PRODUCT TANKERS - VLCC/OBO - BULK CARRIERS 25 Years Experience at Competitive Prices in Application of Recoating of Zinc Silicates, Phenolic Epoxies - Polyurethanes and Glass Flake Polyesters • Cargo Tank Coating - Ballast Tanks • Cargo Hold Painting • Complete Assessment of any Coating Failures • General Engine Repair on Diesel Engines • Turbo Charger Service • Cargo Pump Overhaul • Welding Service "Based in Lisbon—Owned & Managed by Norwegians" Call us FIRST for complete details PROTECNO, LTD. PORTUGAL Rua Eugenio Castro, 13A - r/c 2800 Almada Tel: 351 -1 -275 24 65/276 09 03 AoH: 351-1-290 16 57 Tlx: 62905 koj p Fax:351-1-275 26 53 REPRESENTATIVE - WESTERN HEMISPHERE WALTER THORSEN, INC. 79 Oweno Road, P.O. Box 755, Mahwah, New Jersey 07430-0755 Tel: 201-529-5113 Fax: 201-529-5476 Tlx: CCI 7608221-THOR-UC Circle 261 on Reader Service Card 8 Circle 333 on Reader Service Card Crowley Marine Services (C.M.S.), headed by president Brent Stienecker, provides worldwide contract and specialized marine transportation services, including tug assist, bunkering/lightering, environmental cleanup, oil trans- portation, petroleum terminaling and distribution, salvage, commuter ferry and tour passenger services. These specialized services are pro- vided under the banner of Crowley Marine Services, including the fol- lowing series of subsidiaries and di- visions: Crowley Towing & Trans- portation Company; Catalina Cruises, Inc., a Crowley company; Red & White Fleet, Inc., a Crowley company; Crowley All Terrain Cor- poration; Crowley Environmental Services, Inc., a division of Crowley Towing and Transportation Com- pany; Pacific Alaska Fuel Service, a division of Crowley Marines Ser- vices, Inc.; P.T. PATRA, an Indone- sianjoint venture; and Shaughnessy & Company, a division of Crowley Marine Services, Inc. This restructuring comes during the company's 100th year of opera- tion. "This new structure efficiently positions the companies to offer a greater level of service to our cus- tomers as we embark on our second century of operations," Rettig said. With offices worldwide, both com- panies' executive offices will be based in Crowley Maritime Corp.'s head- quarters in Oakland. For free information on Crowley Maritime Corporation and each of its subsidiaries' capabilities, Circle 44 on Reader Service Card Sea-Land Joins Team Proposing Panama Boxport Edison, N. J.-based Sea-Land Ser- vice, Inc., has joined an interna- tional consortium that proposes to build a container terminal on Telfers Island, Cristobal, Panama, and mod- ernize Panama's freight transporta- tion network. The $600-million project was recently presented to the Panamanian government for review. Under the plan, Sea-Land would operate the five-berth Telfers Island terminal that would be used by ships serving the Panamanian market and Colon Free-Trade Zone, and act as a transshipment center for boxes bound for the Caribbean and Latin America. The Panama Transshipment Cen- ter (PTC) Consortium, which con- sists of 11 construction, engineering and investment companies from Europe, the U.S., Japan and Panama, would also carry out major improvements to Panama's highway and rail infrastructure. Evergreen Group of Taiwan has also proposed a $30 million Telfer Island container terminal that it has decided to make available to all shipping lines, placing it in direct competition with the PTC Consortium's complex. The consor- tium had hoped that Evergreen's terminal would only be used by that company's fleet. Maritime Reporter/Engineering News