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hall No. 6 stand 6061 LDrange Injection Systems L'Orange injection: the heart off the driving force L' Orange GmbH P.O. Box 400540 D-7000 Stuttgart 40 West Germany Phone 0711/82609-0 Telex 7 22 771 lostg d Fax 0711/8260961 Since the invention of the die- sel engine, the course of its development has been shaped by L'Orange injection systems. The diesel's present significance as a highly load- ed engine is still tightly con- nected with the name L'Orange. Major engine ma- nufacturers have placed their trust in L'Orange injection technology as the key to the design and operation of very economical large diesels. In close co-operation with the international diesel-engine industry, L'Orange is active in the development of new in- jection systems and the im- provement of those already in operation. The aim is further optimization of the diesel en- gine - optimization defined as increased performance, reduced fuel consumption and longer service life. This is a development which is assur- ed by the engineering excel- lence of L'Orange in the field of injection technology. for better diesels Circle 200 on Reader Service Card ^Signal