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Three profit makers for your marine business V * Flexibility is the key to profitability in the marine business today. The Wartsila Vasa engine range offers you just that - from initial engine room design to everyday operation. And allows you to operate on any fuel - from MDO to the lowest-grade heavy fuels, and even natural gas. Already the hundreds of Wartsila Vasa 22, 32 and 46s installed worldwide are saving their owners time, space and money. To find out more about how Wartsila Vasa engines can do the same for you, give us a call. POWER RANGE WARTSILA ^ Wartsila Diesel Oy P.O.Box 244 SF-65101 Vaasa, Finland Telephone +358-61-324 2111, Telex 74250 wva sf, Telecopier + 358-61-171 906 (For the Wartsila Vasa 22 and 32 engines) Wartsila Diesel Oy Stalarminkatu 45, SF-20810 Turku, Finland Telephone +358-21 -643 111 Tlx. 62640 wdt sf, Telecopier +358-21 -643 169 (For the Wartsila Vasa 46 engines) Wartsila Diesel Inc., Route 5, Box 116 B, Chestertown, Maryland 21620, Telephone +1-410-778 9100, Telex 810-9516386 wartsila marr, Telecopier +1-410-778 9107 Circle 280 on Reader Service Card