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After a new-generation Henschel ship announc- ing system was success- fully tested on board the USS Abraham Lincoln during Operation Desert Storm, the next challenge was to adapt the system for use on older carriers in the fleet. The result: a system offering improved performance, higher reliability and lower maintenance costs. It also eliminated the overloads, shorting and obsolete parts problems that plagued older shipboard announcing systems. It's another example of how systems technology from SPD companies meets the challenge of doing more with less in demanding times. So when you're thinking about next-generation shipboard systems, for fast response on a tight budget, think Henschel. That's our job. Henschel An SPD Technologies Company 9 Hoyt Drive, Newburyport, MA 01950 "Our job was to design a new flight deck announcing system for improved reliability on in-service carriers. Circle 200 on Reader Service Card ^Signal