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GETTING THE BEST OFFER HAS A PASSWORD: mmmmm IW IIM1I Mil 111 li P Willh'liMl 'I I 'I I I "l | i ^ i1*1 SHiKffilraSffiSMS aMHaMMI •HfflHIi * mmm hMHNP 1 I IKK •Over 30 years in the international shipbuilding market. •With exports to more than 60 countries. •All types of both small and medium ships and the most comprehensive offer in fishing vessels. •Over 580 ships delivered over the past 9 years. Where to build your ship? Who has the best offer on all medium and small range ships? Check your data files... and... Press INTRO...foranswers. v E S l W am w Orense, 11 • 28020 Madrid •Tel. 34-1-556 04 58 • Telex 27465 • Fax 34-1-555 52 16 ASOCfACION DE CONSTRUCTORES NAVALES ESPANOLES•THE ASSOCIATION OF SPANISH SHIPBUILDERS Circle 318 on Reader Service Card