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Auto-Gen Turns Engine Power To AC Electricity Power from a boat's main engine can be converted to onboard AC electricity with installation of the Auto-Gen M4002 cruising genera- tor. It is a fuel-saving alternative to gas-powered generators, or an emergency back-up power source. Driven by the engine's crank- shaft pulley, the M4002 provides 4,250 watts of 120/2400 AC power. Its compact size and unitized frame allows installation in nearly any position. A bi-directional rotation makes either starboard or port-side mounting convenient. If direct con- nection to the crankshaft is not pos- sible, the Auto-Gen can be driven by any accessible pulley which of- fers adequate speed and belt size. The unit is outfitted with a vari- able speed drive transmission which adjusts automatically to a change in the engine's rpm's. As a result, the generator provides a constant and balanced output. The M4002 weighs 125 pounds. For more information on Mer- cantile Manufacturing Co.'s line of generators, Circle 29 on Reader Service Card a step forward \liKTORgENAC SHIPYARD since 1B96 Litton Canada Wins $10 Million Contract Litton Systems Canada, Limited, Etobicoke, Ontario, has been awarded a contract worth over $10 million to design, produce and sup- port two new sonar post-analysis systems for the Canadian Navy. When completed in 1995, one sys- tem will be installed in the Acoustic Data Analysis Center (ADAC) in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and the other in the ADAC Detachment Esquimait, British Columbia. The post-analysis systems will be designed to enhance the Canadian Navy's capability to analyze the vast amounts of data recorded on its ships using Canadian towing array sonar. Litton claims its new systems will process the data many times faster than current operational equipment. Henschel Creates New Division Names Roussinos Manager Henschel, Inc. of Newburyport, Mass., recently annonced the for- mation of a new Commercial De- partment. The Commercial Department's main focus will be on Alarm, Control and Communications (ACC). Henschel Commercial or Henschel ACC as it will be known, will bring existing products along with new developments for the con- sumer. Don S. Roussinos has been appointed manager of the new de- partment. As head of the Commer- cial Department, Mr. Roussinos will be focusing on delivering Henschel's equipment to the com- mercial marine community. For free information on Henschel, Circle 178 on Reader Service Card Circle Seal Controls Offers Free Brochure On Pneumatic Service Carts Circle Seal Controls, Inc., of Ana- heim, Calif., is offering a four-page color brochure on its CTR100, single system circuit, and CTR 200, sepa- rate high and low pressure circuits, Pneumatic Service Carts. The carts provide complete por- table pneumatic test and charging supply systems for applications such as servicing aircraft tires, struts, accumulators and general pneu- matic test functions. Each charge cart accommodates two standard ICC bottles rated up to 6,000 PSI. Charts to assist the customer in ordering the carts are provided, fol- lowed by a series of highly detailed line drawings showing the dimen- sions and gauge arrangements, cir- cuit diagrams and a specifications chart for each type of cart. To receive Circle Seal Controls' free brochure on its Pneumatic Ser- vice Carts, •m 51442255 -Telex: 24194& 24 3 05 YU PODLEN • Telefax:51442447« 442433 • Mar linscica bh. P.O.Box 210,51001 Rijeki.Croatia Circle 293 on Reader Service Card Circle 39 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News