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Lone Star Responder built by Bender Shipbuilding. Bender Shipbuilding And MSRC Launch Lone Star Responded Fourth Spill Vessel Bender Shipbuilding & Repair Marine Spill Response Corporation Co., Inc. of Mobile, Ala., recently (MSRC) in launching the 210-foot announced that it has joined the Lone Star Responder, the fourth oil spill recovery vessel in MSRC's planned 16-vessel national fleet. Bender was awarded a $50 mil- lion contract to build four oil spill recovery vessels for MSRC. In addi- tion to the Lone Star Responder, which will be stationed at Corpus Christi, Texas, Bender is also build- ing the Gulf Responder, the Louisi- ana Responder and the Texas Re- sponder. All four vessels are ex- pected to be completed by February 1993 and will be stationed in the Gulf of Mexico. Designed by Bender engineers, the Lone Star Responder will be equipped with an advanced oil re- covery system of skimmers, booms and separators capable of recover- ing major oil spills, both close to shore and in the open ocean. The vessel will have tanks to hold 4,000 barrels of recovered oil. Once recov- ered, the oil will be pumped into barges or floating bladders for dis- posal onshore. The Lone Star Responder was launched using two 600-ton float- ing barge cranes supplied by Bisso Marine Co. of New Orleans, La. The two barge cranes, positioned in the Mobile River, lifted the 210-foot vessel from the riverbank as tugs backed the cranes away from the bank. The cranes then placed the hull into the water. One of the cranes then moved up the river, lifted the vessel's super- structure, brought it down the river and placed it onto the hull. The hull and superstructure were built as separate modules, using the latest techniques in modular construction. With the main portions of the vessel now in place, construction and equip- ment outfitting on the vessel will continue through the fall. Founded in 1919, Bender Ship- building & Repair Co., Inc. is a full- service shipyard that builds, con- verts and repairs vessels for com- mercial and government owners and operators. For more information describing the services and facilities provided by Bender Shipbuilding & Repair, Circle 159 on Reader Service Card Statoil Predicts Offshore Drilling To Continue Through Turn Of Century Statoil has predicted that Nor- way will probably experience a steady rate of offshore drilling through the turn of the century. Johan Void, vice president of Statoil claims that the company ex- pects to drill about 35 exploration wells each year off the coast of Nor- way in the North Sea. At the present time reports indi- cate that Statoil would like to keep its long term oil price at about $20 per barrel without a projected in- crease for the remainder of the 1990s. Foreign Spares Fremd O Etranger O HO Straniero O Utlandsk O Fremmed Extranjero O hhoctpahhme Strain • Sedoo • Ulkomainen Order all your foreign spare parts directly from Arnessen We have everything you need, now and in the future. Just a representative sample includes European and Japanese ^^ electrical parts. European and Japanese cargo plugs and watertight material. Portable hand- lamps c^fllpss" Every fuse you might ever need. Weatherproof S^p sirens, and even Aldis signalling lamps and parts. No matter what you need, and no matter where in the world you are, call or fax Arnessen today. We deliver. Tokyo London Rotterdam thc- /rnc-ssc-n co*?o?7mori 1100 Walnut Street, Roselle, NJ 07203 • Telephone: (908) 241-3535 • Fax: (908) 353-8090 • Tx: 23-2028 651 Richard St., Suite 2B, New Orleans, LA 70130 • Telephone: (504) 522-8942 • Fax: (504) 522-8943 Circle 327 on Reader Service Card September, 1992 Circle 324 on Reader Service Card 99 Critchley major new force in unique wire identification products and cable accessories. • Ask about HSI....our easy-to-use computerized cable marking products Contact Critchley for a full range of electrical accessories. 255 East 400 South, Suite 106 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 (800) 748-4255 • Now available...custom shipyard software. Capable of printing all identification products from one data base.