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Asea Brown Boveri service has the speed and skill to keep the ball in the air. The great majority of diesel engines over 500 kW have BBC turbochargers, so an extraordinarily wide-spread, fast and efficient service organization to spare you nasty surprises will come as no sur- prise. From the first (which we were) our aim has been to lead (which we do) in achiev- ing the highest benefits at the lowest costs. And we do it most effectively. It's been proved by experience. Every year we train over a hundred technicians in providing fast, flawless service at minimum cost. They are based at service centers strategically located all over the world. And backed by a cen- tral register containing instant, precise details about your turbocharger. Their job is to keep things running. To keep the ball in the air. ABB TURBOCHARGER CO. 1460 Livingston Ave. North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902 Telephone 201-932-6241 ASEA BROWN BOVERI Circle 202 on Reader Service Card