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U.S. Flag Oceangoing Merchant Fleet (continued) OWNER/OPERATOR Name of Ship Type GT DWT HP T=Turbine D-Diesel Year Built/ Rebuilt OWNER/OPERATOR Name of Ship Type GT DWT HP T=Turbine D=Diesel Year Built/ Rebuilt MATSON NAVIGATION COMPANY 333 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94105 Haleakala Container Barge 3,562 4,658 - 84 Islander Container Barge 2,474 6,671 — 88 Kaimoku Container-RO/RO 17,525 14,551 T-30,000 76/90 Kainalu Container-RO/RO 17,513 14,976 T-30,000 74/89 Kauai Container 24,550 26,308 T-32,000 80 Lurline Container-RO/RO 24,901 22,220 T-30,000 73/82 Manukai Container 23,786 26,616 T-32,000 70 Manulani Container 23,786 26,674 T-32,000 70 Matsonia Container-RO/RO 19,301 22,550 T-30,000 73/87 Maui Container 24,545 26,623 T-32,000 78 Mauna Loa Container Barge 3,562 4,658 - 84 Waialelae RO/RO Barge 5,621 7,735 - 91 USNS Silas Bent Oceanographic 2,456 - D-3,000 65 USNS Wilkes Oceanographic 2,616 - D-3,000 71 USNS Wyman Oceanographic 2,617 - D-3,000 71 *The American Cormorant and American Kestrel are managed by MSO, Inc. for American Automar. OCEAN SHIPHOLDINGS, INC. 13105 Northwest Freeway, Suite 700, Houston, TX 77040 MOBIL OIL CORPORATION 3225 Gallows Road, Fairfax, VA 22037-0001 Paul Buck Tanker 19,037 30,127 D-15,300 85 Samuel L. Cobb Tanker 19,037 30,127 D-15,300 85 Gus W. Darnell Tanker 19,037 30,127 D-15,300 85 Lawrence H. Gianella Tanker 19,037 30,127 D-15,300 86 Richard G. Matthiesen Tanker 19,037 30,127 D-15,300 86 Julius Hammer/ ITB 1,594 45,313* D-9,100** 81 Oxy 4101 17,126 Frances Hammer/ ITB 1,594 45,313* D-9,100** 81 Oxy 4103 17,126 Seminok Syosset Tanker Tanker 28,218 18,348 49,298 30,293 T-15,000 T-14,850 61 58 •long tons; "metric. OMI CORPORATION 90 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016 MORMAC MARINE TRANSPORT INC. Three Landmark Square, Stamford, CT 06901 Mormacsky Mormacstar Mormacsun Tanker Tanker Tanker 22,354 22,354 22,354 39,232 39,232 39,232 T-15,000 T-15,000 T-15,000 77 75 76 MSO, INC., SUBSIDIARY OF 'AMERICAN AUTOMAR 6110 Executive Blvd., Suite 320, Rockville. MD 20852 USNS Bartlet Oceanographic 1,143 D-1,000 69 USNS Chauvenet Hydrographic 1,143 D-3,400 71 USNS De Steiguer Oceanographic 1,143 D-1,000 69 USNS Harkness Hydrographic 5,151 D-3,400 71 USNS Kane Oceanographic 2,616 D-3,000 67 Courier OMI Champion OMI Charger OMI Columbia OMI Dynachem OMI Hudson OMI Leader OMI Missouri OMI Sacramenlo OMI Star OMI Wabash OMI Willamette Patriot Ranger Rover Product Tanker Product Tanker Product Tanker Crude Tanker Chemical Tanker Chemical Tanker Product Tanker Bulk Carrier Bulk Carrier Chemical Tanker Product Tanker Product Tanker Product Tanker Product Tanker Product Tanker 21,572 20,858 20,877 67,856 32,328 32,328 20,877 26,800 26,800 19,047 20,884 20,884 21,572 21,572 21,572 35,100 37,874 37,807 136,507 50,852 50.852 37,807 48,890 48,890 37,106 37.853 37,853 35,100 35,100 35,100 D-14,000 T-15,000 T-15,000 D-27,300 D-14,100 D-14,100 T-15,000 D-11,100 D-11,100 T-15,000 T-15,000 T-15,000 D-14,000 D-14,000 D-14,000 77 69 69 74/83 81 81 69 83 83 70 69 69 76 76 77 IfsA Sure Bet You'll save at 8 Here's the deal! 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Waterway Communications System, Int. 453 East Park Place Jeffersonville, IN 47130 800-752-3000 Circle 236 on Reader Service Card MACHINE TOOL Under instructions from G.J. Mier, as Receiver and Manager of KPG Integrated Engineering Pty. Ltd. (Receivers and Managers Appointed). TENDER • INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY COMPRISING PATENTS FOR CONTOURING AND PRETENSIONING OF METAL SHEETS. • KPG 1400 MACHINE TOOL. Patent granted in Taiwan. Patent applications pending in Australia, Europe, South Korea, Japan, China and the United States. An opportunity exists to acquire all the patent design rights for a manual (KPG 1400) contouring and pretensioning machine which can perform complex concave and convex curves. Preliminary designs and plans for a CAM operated version of this machine are also available. Applications for tenders of individual items may be accepted. CLOSURE DATE: JUNE 30,1992 For further details and conditions of tendering, independent status report on intellectual property, operational report on the KPG 1400 rolling and pretensioning machine, contact Mr G.J. Mier, KPMG Peat Marwick, 13th Floor, 15 Lake Street, CAIRNS QLD 4870, AUSTRALIA. Telephone: +61-70-517322 or Fax: +61-70-510116 Circle 257 on Reader Service Card 54 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News