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Inmarsat Service SAVINGS ACROSS Better Coverage IDB Aero-Nautical serves the seven seas through our four-coast earth station network covering the IOR through Perth, Australia; POR and Atlantic-West through Nile Canyon, California; and Atlantic-East through Staten Island, New York. Better Price IDB'A offers the best prices in the Inmarsat system, as low as $6.84 per minute off-peak with no international landline charges for calls to the U.S., Canada and the United Kingdom. (Calls to other countries are delivered at a flat rate of $0.85 per minute. Our telex charge in the Atlantic and Pacific regions is $3 85 per minute.) Better Service Call shore-to-ship via IDB'A by dialing 1-800-800-8282. Or use Sprint International's new one-step direct dial service through IDB'A. Sprint customers simply dial 011 followed by the ocean code and ship's SES ID number; AT&T and MCI customers dial 10333-011 plus ocean code and ship ID. Better Added Values in addition to supporting all commercial electronic mail systems, IDB'A distributes and administers SprintMail service to maritime and aeronautical users. One local call allows you to send messages and data files; off-peak hours save you even more! One-Stop Shopping, Service and Hardware IDB'A leads the industry in land mobile installations in Russia, the Commonwealth, and other remote locations. Through an agreement with MORSVIAZSPUTNIK, IDB'A can arrange PTT licenses, provide SES ID numbers and supply portable Satcom equipment in a matter of days. 1800DBAER0 1-800-432-2376 or 1-301-590-7074 FAX l«301«590-7063 TELEX 7403050 Circle 250 on Reader Service Card June, 1992 53'