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Survey Of New Vessel Construction & Conversion (continued) SHIPYARD Dimensions (in feet) Delivery Vessel Type LxWxD Main Engines Owner/Operator Date Mississippi Towboat 250 Caterpillar (3) Corps of Eng 12/92 American Champion Fishing vessel 207 Wartsila Commercial 9/92 TRINITY-EQUITABLE-MADISONVILLE & HILLMAN BARGE CO. Hopper barges 195-200 N/A Commercial 91 (106) Deck barges (26) Var. N/A Commercial 91 Tank barges (22) Var. N/A Commercial 91 Hopper barges 195-200 N/A Commercial 92 (254) Tank barges (21) Var N/A Commercail 92 TRINITY-GRETNA MACHINE Waialeale RO/RO-barge 345 N/A Commercial 9/91 Natchez Tank barge 380 N/A Commercial 2/91 Tank barge 260 N/A Commercial 7/92 Tank barge 260 N/A Commercial 8/92 Tank barge 467 N/A Commercial 1/93 Tank barge 467 N/A Commercial 7/93 TRI-STAR MARINE, INC., Seattle, WA Lady Kodiak Crabber/Tender 124x32x12 Caterpillar 3412T Suydam Boats 6/91 Gale Wind Tug Boat 86 x 30 x 15 Caterpillar 3512T Anderson Tug & Barge 6/91 Windy Bay Crabber/ 160x36x 12 Caterpillar 398T Windy Bay Inc. 9/91 Processor Lady Alaska Crabber/Tender 124 x 32 x 12 Caterpillar 3412T Suydam Boats 10/91 UNION BAY SHIPBUILDING CORP., Seattle, WA •Golden Fleece Trawler/Proc 110x30 (2) Caterpillar 3412 Golden Age Fisheries 2/91 SHIPYARD Vessel Type Dimensions (in feet) LxWxD Main Engines Owner/Operator Delivery Date * Amber Dawn Trawler 'American Viking Crabber 109x29.8 121 x 27 (2) Cummins VTA-28-M (2) Caterpillar 353 Burton Parker Buholm Fisheries 2/91 7/91 WASHBURN & DOUGHTY ASSOC., INC., East Boothbay, ME Seacapture Longliner 82x22x9.5 Caterpillar Sea Capture, Inc 4/91 Alice Winslow Tugboat 90x30x13.7 Alco Sheepscot Pilots 5/91 Unnamed Car/Passenger 130x36x 12 Caterpillar State of Maine Dept. of Trans. 5/92 Ferry WESTERN TOWBOAT CO., Seattle, WA Western Navigator Tug 94 x28x 15 Caterpillar Western Towboat 5/91 West Pt. Tractor Tug 60x24x10 (2) Caterpillar 3412 Western Towboat 2/92 WESTPORT SHIPYARD, Westport, WA 5642 Passenger Boat 62 x 18 Lugger L6125 Spirit Cruises Fall 92 6401-Bluelin Patrol 65 x 19 (2) Delroit Diesel 12V92TA State of California 5/91 5641 Tour Boat 62x 18 (2) Lugger L6125AHE Spirit Cruises 6/92 8019 Tour Boat 80x20 (2) Lugger L6170AHE Stan Stephans 4/92 5641-Surf Scooter Charter/Fishing 56x 17 (2) Detriot Diesel 6V92 Ron Lethin 5/91 5641 Passenger 62x18 Lugger L6125 Spirit Cruises 92 8019 Passenge 80x21 Lugger L6170A Stan Slephans Charters 92 7505 Hydrofoil 80x23 (4) Delroit Diesel 12V92TA Westfoil International 92 ZIDELL MARINE CORPORATION, Portland, OR 642 643 641 Hopper Barge Hopper Barge Tanker Barge 270 x 42 270 x 42 296 x 60 Zidell Zidell Zidell 11/91 2/92 ARC WELDING EQUIPMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE BOBCAT 225D 225 AMP AC/DC - DIESEL Constant current, constant voltage for SMAW (stick), flux cored arc "wire" welding with optional accessories, and GTAW(TIG) welding, dc and "non-critical" ac. 8000 watts of power as a generator. Circle 301 on Reader Service Card BIG 30A , 40 & 50 DIESELS 250, 350 & 400 AMP - DIESEL Rated at 60% duty cycle for SMAW. Five welding ranges with solid-state current control. Automatic idle device. 3 KVA, 120 and 240 volt, 50/60 Hz ac auxiliary power. Optional "high output" auxiliary power. Circle 303 on Reader Service Card BIG BLUE SERIES 250 & 400 AMP DC - DIESEL Rated at 100% duty cycle. 5 welding ranges with fine adjustment in each range. 3 KVA of 120 or 240 volt, 50/60 Hz ac auxiliary power while welding. Automatic shutdown if cooling fan belt breaks. Circle 302 on Reader Service Card TRAILBLAZER® 300 TO 400 AMP DC OR AC/DC - DIESEL Rated at 100% duty cycle. All models perform SMAW. 44D model handles GTAW while 55D model provides GMAW capability. 3 KVA, 120 volt ac power while welding. Circle 304 on Reader Service Card MILLER AIR PAK™ 400 AMP DC-DIESEL MULTIPROCESS WELDER & AIR COMPRESSOR Constant current, constant voltage for SMAW (stick), cutting and gouging (AAC), and stud (SW) welding. Diesel engine powers welder and air compressor, 40 cfm at 90 psi. Auxiliary power: 15 KW three phase oMOKW single phase while not welding: 3KVA while welding. Circle 305 XMT™ 300 CC/CV INVERTER POWER SOURCE 300 AMP DC Rated at 60% duty cycle. Constant current, constant voltage for GMAW (MIG); SMAW (stick); GTAW (TIG), scratch start; pulsed GMAW and pulsed GTAW with control options; carbon arc cutting (AAC). Operates on 208-230/460 VAC, 50/60 Hz single - or three-phase input power. Auto-Link™ automatic voltage linking circuitry. Portable - 77 lbs. (35 kg). 4 models available. Circle 306 BIG BLUE™ 600D 600 AMP DC - DIESEL Heavy duty, constant current, constant voltage (CC/CV). Rated at 100% duty cycle. Performs SMAW (stick), GMAW (MIG), flux cored (FCAW), submerged arc (SAW), and air carbon arc (AAC) welding and cutting processes. 3 KVA 120 volt ac auxiliary power. Circle 307 TSMJiE Free literature. Ask your distributor about Miller's Lease/Finance plan. Your nearest Miller distributor is in the Yellow Pages under Welding Equipment & Supplies. Or write Miller Electric Mfg. Co., P.O. Box 1079, Appleton, Wl 54912. A Miller Group, Ltd. Company © Miller. For further information please contact: FROTRONICS, INC. 6142 South LOOP East, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77087 Phone: 713 - 644-6445. Fax: 713 - 644-2134 PHILIPS I PHILIPS SAFEC0M Satellite Communication CM NEW DIMENSIONS TO YOUR SAFETY AND COMMUNICATION Philips Safecom CM provides you with the means to communicate reliably all over the world, and at any time, with ships at sea, or from one vessel to another. Selective call signs ensure full commercial privacy. The satellite based Inmarsat-C system offers unique communication facilities, in this way updating and increasing the efficiency of fleet management. • Fast and reliable two-way telex. • Data reporting transmission. • Enhanged Group Call: SafetyNET and FleetNET. • Data and Position Polling. • Alarm mode. • Easy installation of the two compact units. Antenna Transceiver Circle 333 on Reader Service Card