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AWO Safety Seminar Set For New Orleans, La., December 4-5, 1991 The American Waterways Opera- tors (AWO), the national trade asso- ciation of the inland and coastal tug and barge industry, will hold its annual AWO Marine Safety Semi- nar December 4-5, 1991, at the Hyatt Regency at the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans. The seminar agenda features some of the industry's top profes- sionals, scheduled to speak on such topics as how to comply with ADA requirements; new benzene stan- dards and future confined space entry requirements; new approaches to litigation and personal injury claims; back injury prevention; off- the-job safety; working safely in hydrogen sulfide atmospheres, and a penal discussion on customer safety requirements. This year's seminar will coincide with the Work Boat Show, being held December 5-7 at the Louisiana Superdome. For further information, or for registration materials for the 1991 AWO Marine Safety Seminar, call or write: AWO Safety Seminar, American Waterways Operators, 1600 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1000, Arlington, Va. 22209, (703) 841- 9300; fax (703) 841-0389. O&K Awarded Dredger Contract For Korea The Marine Technology Division of O&K Orenstein & Koppel AG in Lubeck, Germany, was recently awarded a contract for the complete engineering and delivery of the key dredging components for a modern underwater cutting wheel dredger. Also, two options were agreed on the supply of dredgers of identical con- struction. The client, and the shipyard, is the Korean yard Halla Engineering & Heavy Industries Ltd. in Inchon. The operator is Halla Engineering & Construction Corp. in Seoul, an- other member of the Halla group. This contract has enabled O&K to obtain a first foothold on the Korean market in the face of tough interna- tional competition. The dredger is due to be commissioned in Septem- ber 1992 and will be deployed mainly on landfill work during the construc- tion of another major Halla ship- yard. Cruiser To Undergo $2 Million Availability At Continental Maritime The USS Valley Forge (CG-50), a Ticonderoga Class cruiser, will un- dergo a selected restricted availabil- ity (SRA) at Continental Maritime of San Diego, Inc., San Diego, Calif., under a $2,085,002 contract. Underwater 92 Will Focus On Advanced Technology, January 13-15 In Houston "Working With Technology" will be the focus of a multitude of techni- cal and educational sessions when the Association of Diving Contrac- tors hosts its annual commercial diving and ROV symposium in Hous- ton, Texas, January 13-15, 1992. Underwater 92 is a three-day pro- gram of workshops, presentations and exhibits expected to draw over 2,000 attendees and 100 exhibits to Houston's Westin Galleria. The event will feature the commercial underwater industry's latest tech- nology while exploring its uses, safety aspects and cost consider- ations. This will mark the 20th anniver- sary of the symposium, which has become the largest gathering of div- ing industry personnel represent- ing operations from across the U.S., including both inland and offshore markets. Seventeen technical sessions are planned on topics concerning off- shore procedures, including various aspects of sonar, search and naviga- tion, pipeline, platform, and subsea completions. For more information, contact: Robert Carpenter, ADC Media Co- ordinator, 4240 Highway 22, #3, Mandeville, La. 70448, (504) 624- 4891, fax (504) 624-8159. 18 Circle 289 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News