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P.O. BOX 29102*3001 GC ROTTERDAM* THE NETHERLANDS TEL. (10)-4331277 • FAX (10)-4130304 YES, send us a FREE COPY of your catalogue MESSRS.: ADDRESS: POSTC. + CITY :. TELEPHONE: _ FACSIMILE: NAME: DEPT.: Circle 218 on Reader Service Card 9 Sequip Acquires Control Of Verolme Do Brasil The Brazilian group Sequip re- cently completed the purchase of the majority of the voting shares of Normak S.A., the holding company of Brazilian shipbuilder and repairer Verolme do Brasil. Sequip already owns Emaq- Engenharia e Maquinas S.A. of Rio de Janeiro, which was purchased in 1986. Both shipyards will be managed by a team led by Nobuo Oguri as president and chief operating offi- cer, Manuel Goncalves as vice president, and Ronaldo Peryles as financial director. This same management team oversaw the re- covery of Emaq from liquidation and hopes to repeat its success with Verolme. At present, the two shipyards rep- resent 40 percent of Brazilian ship- building capacity, with the capabil- SureSite Indicators accurately signal liquid level at a glance...evenata remote distance! Obscured sight glasses are a strain by comparison and can cause errors in reading. Kawasaki To Launch Marketing Campaign For High-Speed Hydrofoils One of Japan's leading shipbuild- ers, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, is ready to launch a marketing cam- paign for high-speed hydrofoils in key cities throughout the world. Plans also include mobilizing a worldwide network of sales offices. The move by Kawasaki follows Boeing's withdrawal from the hy- drofoil business. Kawasaki secured a license for construction of hydrofoils under a contract with Boeing in 1987. After completing the first hydrofoil under the contract in 1987, it has so far completed 10 vessels in Japan. Under the Boeing contract, Kawasaki's marketing-sales terri- tories were limited to Japan, the Far East, Southeast Asia and Australia- New Zealand. But since Boeing sus- pended the construction of the Jetfoil in the U.S., Kawasaki has expanded its marketing and sales throughout the world. In Japan, the company is encour- aged by the Ministry of Transport's lifting of the ban on the operation of hydrofoils at night. Due to the lack of vibration and rolling-and-pitching while navigat- ing in rough seas, high-speed ser- vices have been popular among Japa- nese travelers. Kawasaki is confident that, since a hydrofoil is priced at about $22 million in Japan, it can sell them to medium- and small-sized operators in Japan and aboard. MMA To Hold 2nd Annual HM&E Conference November 19-20 The Marine Machinery Associa- tion (MMA) will hold its second an- nual HM&E Conference at the Hyatt Regency Hotel Crystal City in Ar- lington, Va., on Tuesday, November 19, and Wednesday, November 20, 1991. At this conference for the manu- facturers of the Navy's Hull, Me- chanical and Electrical Equipment, MMA and the Naval Sea Systems Command will discuss new develop- ments and strategies, giving manu- facturers an opportunity to gain a thorough knowledge of the current changes in the Navy and its indus- trial base. Recognizing the need for the Navy and its HM&E manufacturers to meet the demands of the future, NAVSEA and MMA plan sessions on: shipbuilding, overhaul and re- pair; affordability; environmental matters; fasteners; Mil Spec vs. com- mercial specifications; advanced technologies; aftermarket, parts and repairs; rights in data regulations; emerging shipboard technologies; and quality assurance. Each day there will be a reception and luncheon with speakers from Capitol Hill and the Navy. Last year's conference attracted over 200 representatives from the industry and government. October, 1991 Circle 225 on Reader Service Card ity to construct almost any type ves- sel. Emaq has orders for two 33,100- dwt RO/RO-LO/LO ships for Brazil- ian owner Transroll and three 36,000-dwt product carriers for Bra- zilian state-owned oil company Petrobras. Verolme has orders for two Brazilian Navy corvettes, 5 prod- uct carriers of different capacities for Petrobras and four 67,500-dwt self-unloading bulk carriers for the CSL Group. In all, the order books of the two yards total over $600 million. GEMS SureSite® Level Indicators The Superior Alternative to Obscure Sight Glasses Continuous, external level gagins for virtually all process liquids. I Bright, bi-colored, magnetic flags change color as float moves with liquid level. Liquid never contacts flags. I Rugged... use indoor or out. No glass to break, no leaks. I Operate switches or transducers for remote indication, alarms, horns, lights, continuous computer signals, etc. Patent No. 4,457,171 Standard models made of stainless steel or PVC; other materials available for vast chemical compatibility; custom lengths. Unaffected by high turbulence, shock, vibration, temperature or pressure fluctuations. Versions withstand temperatures above 550°F.; pressures to 1200 psig. For application information, call toll-free: (800) 321-6070 In Connecticut call: (203) 677-1311 I mo Industries Inc. Gems Sensors Division • ^ One Cowles Road B I'lainville, CT 06062 • (203)677-1311 FAX (203) 747-4244 LIVE AND LET LIVE Other people have as much right to live as we have, and all of us have failings, so to remain on friendly terms with our competitors, we should overlook their shortcomings. This does not mean that you have to do such. Why take unnecessary risks. Profit from the experience of Willem Pot, founded in 1899, with a proven trackrecord when it comes to marine trading. Situated near the harbour of Rotterdam, the company keeps one of the largest stocks of marine equipment in the world. Anchors, chaincables, lifeboats and much more, ready for delivery. Ask for a FREE COPY of our catalogue and find all the information you require. Naturally, we shall, be glad to answer] all your questions immediately by telephone or facsimile. FOR FREE' CATALOGUE WiHem Pat bv SEND FORM TO: Willem Pot bv.