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NWC ANNUAL Who's Who at NWC Now rounding out his second year at NWC's helm, Berdon Lawrence is widely known in the waterways industry. He is presi- dent of Hollywood Marine, Inc., a firm operating some 100 towboats and 230 tank barges engaged pri- marily in moving petroleum prod- ucts and petrochemicals along the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. A former chairman of American Waterways Operators, he is a newly appointed member of the Inland Waterways Users Board, an 11- member body which advises the Congress and the President on in- land waterway investment priori- ties. He has been NWC's chairman since September 1989. In line to succeed him in the top post is J.D. (Johnnie) Laman, manager of marine and interna- tional operations for DOW USA, a major waterway shipper, who is NWC's vice chairman. With Dow since 1957, he has been in his present position for the last 11 years. Harry N. Cook, now in his 27th year as NWC's chief executive, has been the organization's president since 1978. Initially, he was manag- ing director and then executive vice president. He is a former newspa- per reporter and governor's press secretary. NWC members and guests will board the 152-foot, Caterpillar-powered paddlewheeler Colonel on Thursday evening, September 19, for a dinner cruise on the Houston Ship Channel. W. Richard Christensen, vice president, marine/surface transpor- tation and facilities of Ashland Pe- troleum Co., Ashland, Ky., is NWC's first vice president. Ashland oper- ates both towboats and tank barges. NWC has four vice presidents: Wallace A. Gieringer, executive director of the Port of Pine Bluff, Ark.; Dennis L. Kirwin, vice presi- dent and general manager of Mid- land Marine Corp., Houston; Charles F. Lehman, vice presi- dent of American Commercial Barge Line Co., Jeffersonville, Ind.; and Donald G. Waldon, administrator of Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway Development Authority. William J. Hull is vice president and counsel. H. Nelson Spencer III, pub- lisher of The Waterways Journal, is NWC's secretary and Donald C. McCrory, director of the Memphis and Shelby County (Tenn.) Port Commission, is treasurer. The organization's executive com- mittee includes 15 members, and there are 75 on the board of direc- tors. Directors serve staggered, three-year terms and represent five membership categories: water car- riers, waterway shippers, shipyards and other waterway services, port authorities and other public mem- bers, and associations. Members of the executive com- mittee include: Nicholas J. Barchie Jr., president, Warrior & Gulf Navigation Co.; J.Ron Brinson, president and chief ex- ecutive officer, Port of New Orleans; W.R. (Ron) Coles, president W.R. Coles & Associates; Brian L. Garrity, supervisor-water distribu- tion system, IMC Fertilizer, Inc.; Keith R. Gosney, vice president- marketing, Merchants Transporta- tion, Inc.; Carl B. Hakenjos, senior marine consultant, Waldemar S. Nelson & Co.; Gary P. LaGrange, executive director, Port of West St. Mary; Gary L. Mills, assistant vice president, Cargill, Inc.; Offa S. Nichols, president, Warrior- Tombigbee Development Associa- tion; R. Barry Palmer, executive director, DINAMO; Robert W. Portiss, port director, Tulsa Port of Catoosa; Gale R. Rhodes, man- ager-river transportation, AEP Fuel Supply; T. Mark Simmons, presi- dent, Yazoo-Mississippi Delta Levee Board; and L.E. (Les) Sutton, presi- dent, Ingram Barge Co. oooOur Reputation for Innovation and Excellence Continues A company's reputation is it's most valuable a family owned business, with three sons whose futures ride on that's essential to maintain the highest of standards. When you need innovation...Gulf Craft has set the standards for years. From designing and building the first quad, five and six screw crewboats, and the world's first two largest crewboats in the developing catamaran dinner and cruise vessels...Gulf Craft engineers have the expertise to custom design a vessel to fit your requirements. When you need experience...the Gulf Craft craftsmen have over 470 years of combined skill and have been a part of Gulf Craft for many years. The stability of our company means you can depend on every one of us. When you need a us...we'd like to do business with you. Gulf Craft, Inc...A Family Tradition of Vessel Excellence...Now Gulf Craft, Inc. 3904 Highway ' Patterson, LA 70392 -lighway 182 • Phone (504) 395-5254 • FAX (504j 395-3657 Member NAPVO A. 24 Circle 303 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News