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CANADIAN MARITIME INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION'S 43RD ANNUAL TECHNICAL CONFERENCE FEBRUARY 12-13, 1991, OTTAWA, CANADA Arrangements are being finalized for the Canadian Maritime Indus- tries Association's 43rd Annual Technical Conference, which will be held at the Ottawa Congress Center and the Westin Hotel, Ottawa, On- tario, on Monday, February 11 and Tuesday, February 12, 1991. "As a result of the resounding success of the Canadian Shipbuild- ing & Offshore Exhibition, we have decided to include the Canadian Shipbuilding and Offshore Exhibi- tion (CSOE '91) on the program for our 1991 Conference," said Canadi- an Maritime Industries Association (CMIA) president James Y. Aerial view of the Lauzon, Quebec, shipyard of MIL-Davie, Inc. Clarke. "This added feature has resulted in a tremendous interest in the conference, the largest technical marine conference held in Canada. CSOE '91 will be a major compo- nent of the conference." Mr. Clarke pointed out that the technical conference's open ses- sions, which begin at 9 a.m. on Feb- ruary 12, will be presented in adja- cent rooms on the Capital Hall level at the Ottawa Congress Center. The preliminary list of technical presen- tations is attached. CSOE '91 will be located in the Congress Hall at the Ottawa Con- gress Center. Exhibitions such as CSOE '91 help bring together all interested parties in the marine in- dustry. Some 150 booths are avail- able and it is expected that they will all be occupied. Exhibition hours will be 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday, February 11 and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. the following day. Mr. Clarke noted that the 1990 technical conference and exhibition (CSOE '90) attracted over 900 per- sons from across Canada and around the world, including interna- tional media and government offi- cials. For registration or exhibit infor- mation, contact: Mrs. Joy Mac- Pherson, director, administration & finance, Canadian Maritime In- dustries Association, P.O. Box 1429, Station B, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIP 5R4; telephone: (613) 232- 7127; telex: 053-4848; fax: (613) 232- 2490. TECHNICAL CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS "Combined Propulsion Plants for Fast Vessels. Realization Through Advances in Diesel Technology," by a representative from MTU. "Hybrid Propulsion for Oceango- ing Submarines," by Carel A. Prins, RDM, and Douwe Sta- persma, NEVESBU. "Canadian Research on Ship Capsizing in Severe Seas," by Ste- fan Grochowalski, National Re- search Council, Institute for Marine Dynamics. "Build It or Buy It," by Lt. Comdr. Douglas V.P. Thoreson, Mari- time Combat Systems National De- fense. "Canadian Naval Initiatives in 64 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News