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© 1990, Exxon Corporation application, on every boat in your fleet. To put the program to work, you get ongoing support from the Exxon marine team of dedicated industry specialists. As well as dependable local supply through the extensive Exxon dockside and midstreamer distribu- tion network. And finally, it's all backed by the Exxon Marine Engine Oil Limited Warranty—the first one in the industry cover- ing engine repairs if the damage is caused by our recom- mended lubricants. Ultimate proof behind the program. You can see how it's made the difference for Mid-South. See it in your business, too. Call for a packet of proof at 1-800-55-EXTRA. Fax at (713) 656-3631. Or send the coupon. And help your boats do what Mid-South's do. More work. Quality you can count on. Send me proof on how DE-MAR® 17 oil performed in one of the industry's toughest engine tests. Include the g warranty and product data sheets. I Name Title - Company Phone - Number of vessels Address City County State Zip Send to: Exxon Marine Information Center P.O. Box 4706 Houston, TX 77210-4706 A094MA0 EXON Circle 205 on Reader Service Card