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Art Anderson Awarded U.S. Navy Contract The Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair, USN Seat- tle, has awarded Art Anderson Asso- ciates of Bremerton, Wash., a con- tract to provide naval architecture and marine engineering design serv- ices to support the modernization and repair of U.S. Navy ships and craft in the Northwest. The $1.4 million contract, for one year with two one-year options, will provide work for designers, drafters and other technical personnel. Chris Crowson, contract manager for previous Supship contracts, will again direct Art Anderson Asso- ciates' efforts. Bender Accepted As Regulars Member Of Shipbuilders Council Bender Shipbuilding & Repair Company, Inc. of Mobile, Ala., was recently accepted as a Regular Member of the Shipbuilders Coun- cil of America by the board of direc- tors at its quarterly meeting. The owner of 12 shipyard facili- ties, Bender holds Master Ship Re- pair certifications from the U.S. Navy and Military Sealift Com- mand, and also does conversion and repair work on commercial vessels, such as fishing trawlers and offshore supply vessels. The company builds new-construction vessels such as pa- trol boats as well. For free literature on the facilities and capabilities of Bender Ship- building & Repair, Circle 22 on Reader Service Card IDB-A Joins Cruisephone To Offer Services To Leisure Markets IDB Aero*Nautical Communica- tions, Inc. (IDB-A), a supplier of mobile communications services via Inmarsat satellite to the maritime industry, has signed a contract with Cruisephone, Ltd., a leading sup- plier of cellular telecommunications to the cruise industry, for the exclu- sive provision of services to the plea- sure cruise and private yacht markets worldwide. Cruisephone will act as IDB-A's exclusive agent for the marketing, operation and accounting of IDB- A's phone, facsimile and telex satel- lite communications services to the cruise line and megayacht indus- tries. Maritime operators outfitted with Cruisephone cellular equip- ment and satellite communications terminals will be allowed access to IDB-A's satellite earth station net- work from any ocean region. Inter- face equipment provided by Cruise- phone will automatically switch calls originating from outside cellu- lar operating areas to IDB-A's facili- ties. IDB-A's mobile telecommuni- cations network provides worldwide ocean coverage via the Inmarsat sat- ellite system. For further information and free literature, Circle 15 on Reader Service Card January, 1991 EES Announces New Sewage Treatment System Houston-based EES Corporation has developed a new addition to their extensive line of marine sew- age treatment systems, specifically to meet the needs of the commercial shipbuilding industry. The Omnipure® Model 7ME is a safe, ready-to-install sewage treat- ment system utilizing a unique pat- ented electrocatalytic process. Ac- cording to EES, the price of the 7ME is extremely competitive be- cause the system uses standardized components and materials. The Omnipure systems are com- pletely sealed to prevent any leak- age or contamination. The unique flow-through process, featured in all Omnipure systems, eliminates the potential for the formation of dead- ly gases. No additives are required as with all Omnipure units, the sodi- um hypochlorite used for disinfect- ing the sewage effluent is generated from seawater. For more information and a free brochure on the Model 7ME or Om- nipure in general, Circle 16 on Reader Service Card r JOIN FORCES WITH THE BEST SCHOTTEL J ALL AROUND THE WORLD A closely knit network is absolutely essential if international markets are to be accessed and served successfully in the long term. That is why SCHOTTEL, the world's leading manufacturer of 360° - controllable propulsion systems and manoeuvring aids, is represented in all five continents. Short lead times and individual custo- mer service are the major benefits of our interna- tional structure. And we're proud of it. SCHOTTEL FOR PROGRESSIVE PROPULSION Headquarters: SCHOTTEL-WERFT, D-5401 Spay/Rhein SCHOTTEL of America Inc., Miami, Florida 33166, USA Phone: (3 05) 5 92 73 50 • Fax: (3 05) 5 918 223 Circle 233 on Reader Service Card