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Captain Leback Honored At SUNY Maritime College Federal Maritime Administrator Capt. War- ren G. Leback is shown at the lectern during Admiral's Ball at SUNY Maritime College. The leaders of the maritime in- dustry recently honored Federal Maritime Administrator Capt. Warren G. Leback for his sup- port of the American merchant ma- rine and maritime education and training. Almost 600 guests gath- ered for the dinner-dance held at the State University of New York Maritime College, Fort Schuyler, Bronx, N.Y., and to hear the latest from Captain Leback about plans for strengthening the industry and improving maritime education and training. Rear Adm. F.H. Miller, presi- dent of New York State Maritime College, took the opportunity of this event to announce that more than half the funds needed to install a ship's bridge simulator on campus had been obtained from events such as this. Admiral Miller announced a capital campaign to open a Center for Simulated Maritime Operations at the college, the nation's oldest maritime school. In his address, Captain Leback announced that changes in the requirements for li- censing and upgrading of licenses, plus additional training require- ments for unlicensed personnel would make such facilities manda- tory. With the Center for Simulated Maritime Operations on its campus, New York Maritime College will continue to provide the best in U.S. maritime training, begun with the formation of the school in December 1874 by Act of Congress. Nalfleet Changes Name, Moves To New Address Nalfleet Inc. is the new corporate name for Nalfleet, Bull and Rob- erts. Richard O'Boyle, president of Nalfleet Inc., also announced that the company has moved to more spacious quarters at 195 Mountain Avenue, Springfield, N.J., phone (201) 379-1340, fax (201) 379-9631. The following personnel changes were announced: Debra Decker was appointed to assist customers and expedite customer orders; Gary Solovay was appointed to a purchasing and inventory control position within the Americas Zone; and David Anderson was pro- 14 moted to area sales manager. Nalfleet Inc. Americas Zone han- dles supply and service of Nalfleet marine chemicals in the U.S., Cana- da and South America. Nalfleet Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nal- floc, in turn jointly owned by ICI and Nalco Chemical Co. For further information and free literature on Nalfleet Inc., Circle 10 on Reader Service Card Los Angeles Shipyard Negotiating To Reopen Former Todd Facility The Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners has authorized Port staff to negotiate exclusively with Los Angeles Shipyard (LAS) to reopen the shipbuilding and repair facility formerly operated by Todd Shipyards Corp. in the Port of Los Angeles. LAS, an independent investment group headquartered in Orange, Calif., plans to conduct commercial and military shipbuilding repair op- erations at the port. The group currently has an $82 million contract to build two 40,000- dwt tankers for OSCO, a Norwegian shipping company. The Future of the World's Passenger Vessel Industry... Could you use an excursion boat that: • Radically reduces passenger seasickness? • Sharply increases your passenger count? • Rides smoothly in waves up to 12 feet? • Lets you operate in marginal sea/weather conditions that keep your competitors tied up at the dock? • Extends your operating season? • Lets you open up profitable, new, rough- water routes your competitors can't run? • Excites customers with a 21st century, high-tech design that makes your company the hottest thing on the water? • Is Coast Guard certified Subchapter T and classed by the American Bureau of Shipping? SWATH NAVATEK I WavateAV Design Variants • 33 meter pilot/station keeping boat • 43 meter helicopter carrying patrol boat • 45 meter 600 person ferry (20 knot) • 45 meter 40 cabin yacht cruise ship New Designs • 22 meter 149 person adventure boat (20 knot) • 40 meter workboat (22 knot) • 73 meter mixed traffic ferry • 75 meter casino/cruise ship