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Robertson Marine Named Agents For Jason Firefighting Equipment Bennex A.S., Norway, has ap- pointed Robertson Marine Systems, Inc. (RMS) U.S. and Canadian agents for Jason firefighting equip- ment and oil pollution control. Jason brand of high quality fire- fighting equipment is applicable to marine and industrial applications. All Jason hardware is designed for reliable operation under all condi- tions with a minimum of corrosion. Unlike most firefighting equip- ment which requires frequent ser- vicing, Jason equipment is manu- factured of high quality materials, and features enclosed and sealed- for-life bearing arrangements. Ja- son's back-up control functions, through testing and advanced QA program insures long and reliable service without maintenance. Jason produces manual and re- mote control monitors, water only and water/foam monitors, monitor towers and oil dispersant spray booms. For more information and free lit- erature on Jason firefighting equip- ment, Circle 115 on Reader Service Card We put all the parts together. In keeping your ship ship-shape, are you having trouble buying or selling parts? Set a course for ILS, the worldwide locator system that services 1,600 customers, 45,000 times a day. It's fast and easy. ILS. We're part of the solution. Inventory Locator Service, Inc. 3965 Mendenhall Road Memphis,TN 38115 U.S.A. (901) 794-4784 (800) 233-3414 FAX (901 >794-1760 Telex 882179 (WU) Intralink Service (Europe) Ltd United Kingdom 0293-562011 FAX 0293-562066 CEL Inc. Canada 416/490-0753 FAX 416/494-1606 RYDER SYSTEM Epoxy? Cements? Aggegates? Fibers? No Problem! The Carrousel Pump was designed for the application of commercial coatings. World wide acceptance is due to its ease of operation and low/no maintenance. • Easy cleanup. • No moving parts contact material. • Trouble-free service. • Sealed bearings. . Inc. P0 BOX 327B • PORT CLINTON. OH 43452 (419) 732-2601 or 732-2611 Circle 265 on Reader Service Card From the same yard that made downtime a dirty word, comes: "Reliability, Part Two!" A second generation of family management at Galveston Ship- building Is committed to the same high standards estab- lished by Harry J. Flegel, Jr. John, Bryan, and Keith Flegel share management respon- sibilities with their father- personally assuring that your vessel Is serviced or repaired right, and on time. Call Galveston Shipbuilding; ask for a Flegel and get straight answers without delay. (409) 704-0491 GALVESTON SHIPBUILDING COMPANY 6800 PORT INDUSTRIAL BLVD. / P.O. BOX 2660 / GALVESTON, TEXAS 77553 (409) 744-0491 FAX (409) 744-5895 / INTRACOASTAL CANAL MILE 355 Rumsey Joins Pen Coal As VP Of Transportation Peter E. Rumsey Peter E. Rumsey, formerly vice president of sales for Ingram Barge Company in Nashville, Tenn., re- cently joined Nashville-based Pen Coal Corporation as vice president of Pen Transportation Company. Mr. Rumsey has 23 years' experi- ence in the field of transportation, having been previously employed by Amoco Oil, Gulf & Western and as a management consultant. Pen Coal Corporation, which changed its name from P&C "Bitu- minous Coal," Inc. earlier this year, is one of the largest U.S. steam coal exporters from the U.S. Pen Coal is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pen Holdings, Inc. James Morris, executive vice president and chief operating officer of Pen Coal, said: "We are pleased to have Mr. Rumsey join our com- pany. His knowledge of terminal op- erations and his extensive knowl- edge of rail, truck and barge trans- portation, especially within the coal market, will greatly contribute to our planned growth." Biobor JF Helps Solve Microbial Fuel Problems —Literature Available Microbial growth in fuel flour- ishes in the warmer months of the year, which can cause a variety of equipment problems, such as injec- tor deposits; fuel filter plugging; ig- nition trouble; smoke; and leaking storage tanks due to microbial by- products causing rust and corrosion. It can be identified as slimy, unfilt- erable blobs (brown, black or gree- nish in color) which characteristical- ly can emit a foul odor. According to its manufacturer, U.S. Borax, Biobor JF™ is one of the safest and most effective solutions to microbial fuel problems and among the safest biocidal/fungicidal chemicals available. In use for over 20 years, Biobor JF is biodegradable and nonhazardous to waterways and the environment. Registered by the EPA, approved by the FAA and commercially ap- proved by many equipment and en- gine manufacturers, Biobor JF is distributed by Amalgamated Coal and Petroleum to major airlines, utilities, the U.S. military, the ma- rine transportation sector, and many other industries. For more information detailing Biobor JF, Circle 106 on Reader Service Card Circle 290 on Reader Service Card Circle 247 on Reader Service Card 72 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News