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Steamboat Announces Corporate Staff Expansion Douglas Kratz, president of Steamboat Development Corpora- tion, has announced the addition of Christopher Gibase, Steven Roxberg, and James Rylander to the company's corporate staff. Mr. Gibase has been appointed casino manager of the company. He will plan, develop and oversee gam- ing areas for all of Steamboat Devel- opment's casino cruise ships. Mr. Gibase was employed by Resorts International when the company pi- oneered casino gaming in New Jer- sey. Mr. Rylander has joined Steam- boat Development as project man- ager. He will be coordinating land- based construction and maintaining the completed facilities. Mr. Roxberg has been named manager of information systems. He will be involved with projects in- cluding systems integration, pro- gramming, procurement, and proj- ect management. J.R. Merritt Introduces Rugged Cast Design Single Axis Controllers Type NSO-SF Single Axis Rug- ged Cast Design Controllers, recent- ly introduced by J.R. Merritt of Stamford, Conn., are actively uti- lized in controlling equipment in military, industrial and marine ap- plications. The devices are particu- larly suitable for hostile environ- ments such as in shipboard and off- shore applications as well as for con- trolling heavy mining and material handling equipment. These control- lers provide the operator with a pre- cise manually selectable directional or proportional variable speed con- trol of equipment utilizing AC or DC drives and electrohydraulic valves, strokers and actuators. For more information and free lit- erature from J.R. Merritt, Circle 113 on Reader Service Card New Fairplay Book Details 1990 World Shipping Statistics Shipping industry professionals interested in statistics will welcome a new publication just issued by Fairplay Information Systems (FI- SYS). Drawn from the extensive FISYS database, "World Shipping Statis- tics 1990" presents a detailed statis- tical analysis of world shipping in- dustry, in a concise graphical format. The 174-page volume con- tains more than 300 graphs, com- pletely updated to reflect changes in the marine industry since 1989. The volume is divided into five sections: World Merchant Fleet, Newbuildings, Market Prices, Freight Rates and Port Traffic. The first chapter provides extensive country-by-country cross-tabula- tion of the current world shipping fleets by flag, owner's country or September, 1990 domicile, country of build and clas- sification society. The Newbuildings section analyzes the current world shipping orderbook by vessel type, flag, owner's country of domicile and country of build. This section also provides graphs analyzing market shares for shipbuilding na- tions, yards and engine manufactur- ers. In the Market Prices chapter, a series of graphs illustrate trends in newbuilding prices, second-hand prices and demolition prices, as well as tonnage scrapped, tonnage laid- up and casualties. The Freight Rates section includes analysis of the Baltic Freight Index and GCBS Freight Rates, as well as bulk tanker and gas freight rates. The final chapter provides graphs showing port container and cargo through- put by country and region. The cover price in the U.S. for "World Shipping Statistics 1990" is $78. Copies may be ordered from: Circle 117 on Reader Service Card Two good investments, diamonds... Q I Bergen Diesel BERGEN Time will judge your investments. Do your assets maintain their market value in the years to come, and secure an optimum return on your investments? The foresighted investor recognizes supreme proven quality products. Diamonds are such a product - medium speed diesel engines from Bergen Diesel another. Quality in all details characterizes Bergen Diesel products and make them a beneficial investment — for today and the future. Norwegian quality — reliability under all conditions. 0LULSTE1N Bergen Diesel AS P.O.Box 924, N-5002 Bergen Tel.: +47-5-19 90 00 Telefax: +47-5-19 04 05 Telex: 42 735 bmvh n Circle 206 on Reader Service Card 69