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Alert's innovative design concepts in vibra- tion isolation and shock pad materials are used for new and refurbished shipbuilding needs, including the Navy's latest nuclear submarine designs. Alert Manufacturing Co. of Nor- ridge, 111., is offering free literature on its complete line of vibration iso- lation and shock pad materials and products for the marine industry. The company's central Midwest location in Norridge, a suburb of Chicago, has proven ideal for fast, efficient shipment and service to shipbuilders on all three coasts. Alert's vibration isolation materi- al designs for shipbuilders are uti- lized best for mounting of electronic wall components, delicate weapons consoles, compressors, piping throughout the ship, mess food pro- cessor, lathes, valves and torpedo room equipment. Shock pad materi- als are used primarily for larger items and is available as wrapped bushings, sheet, and molded items. Alert is certified under MIL SPEC 145208 and Q9858 with D.I.S.C. and major shipyards all over the country. For more information and free lit- erature on Alert's capabilities, <• Circle 243 on Reader Service Card Circle 252 on Reader Service Card Anschutz 'Nauto Control' Product Line Fulfills Navigator Demands The central navigation work sta- tion has become more and more the focus of modern bridge design in seagoing ships and, in accordance with this, Anschutz & Co. GmbH of Kiel, West Germany, offers its "Nauto Control" line of products to fulfill the demand of navigators for fast, comprehensive information, safe operation and reliable systems. The Nauto Control line, which is continuously being extended, has taken over a central function in the modern bridge. The components involved in the central functions of the Anschutz Nauto Control system are; gyrocom- pass—Standard 14, Gyrostav; head- ing reference and managing sys- tem—Nautocourse; digital and adaptive autopilot—Nautopilot D/ A; track controller—Nautotrack N/ A; automatic chart table—Nauto- plot; manual steering control sys- tem—Nautosteer; nautical informa- tion display—Nautocommand; and global positioning system—Nautos- tar GPS. With Nautostar GPS, Anschutz offers a high-tech GPS receiver which is optimal both for marine applications and for inclusion in the integrated navigation and steering control system, Nauto Control. The receiver computes all naviga- tion data relevant for command of the ship. Operator and display com- ponents have been tailored to the requirements of commercial ship- ping. The large illuminated LCD- display is easy to interpret. The six- channel receiver was conceived as an easy-to-install unit for installa- tion in desk or bulkhead. For free literature giving full in- formation on the Nauto Control line of products from Anschutz, Circle 32 on Reader Service Card Literature On Shock And Vibration Isolation Products Offered By Alert Mfg. Anschutz Global Positioning System Nautos- tar GPS. 32' BOOM CONTAINER. 2408B TRANSPORTER FOR OIL SPILL CLEANUP AND FIRE PROTECTION. 4816 LS USED FOR BOOM DEPLOYMENT. Oil spills require immediate response with the proper equipment. SeaArk aluminum workboats, from 1"' to 60'. are at work worldwide, protecting our delicate environment from oil spill hazards. For over 30 years, we have built work- boats for use in the petroleum pollution ; control industry. VChether your job is boom deployment, mopping, sampling or person- nel transport. SeaArk Marine can help1 Call us for details. 24081 WITH REMOVABLE BOW, IS AIR TRANSPORTABLE Workboats Built For What You Do -B'SEAARK MARINE, INC. RO BOX 210 • MONTICELLO. ARKANSAS "16SS I S A S01-56--TS5 • TELEX "85028 • FAX 50l-«r 2120 21' ROISTABOIT FOR PI LUNG BOOMS AND CONTAINING OIL SUCKS. Our propeller shaft seals SPLITEX and MONEX, for shaft diameter 100 mm to 1200 mm, were introduced in 1985. Within the first years of manufacture they have exceeded all expectations with regard to the number of installations carried out. Extensive monitoring and tests have shown insignifi- cant wear, minimal consumption of lubricants — in most cases not even measurable — and a high de- gree of reliability which minimises stoppages cau- sed by seal failure, also due to minimal loss of lubri- cants the seal is ecologically safer for marine life. All this gives the customer fewer problems and better returns. By using the split shaft seal SPLITEX removal and assembly can be carried out with the shaft in place thus increasing efficiency, safety and cost effecti- veness. Classification Type approval certificate from Det norske Veritas. NYLAND Inboard SPLITEX - MONEX Outboard SPLITEX — MONEX NYLANDS MARINE SERVICE AS P.O.Box 130, N-4818 Faervik. Norway • Phone: +47 41 26 750 • Telefax: +47 41 86 700 • Telex: 21102 NYMAR N NYLAND PROPELLER SHAFT SEALS Circle 277 on Reader Service Card