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MAN B&W Appoints Carl-Erik Egeberg VP, Director-Engineering Carl-Erik Egeberg Carl-Erik Egeberg has been appointed vice president, director- engineering of MAN B&W Diesel A/S, and member of the manage- ment group responsible for the re- search, development and design ac- tivities within the company's two- stroke engine sector. After graduating as a mechanical engineer in 1967, Mr. Egeberg was employed in the company's design departments and, over the years, has been assigned extended areas of responsibility. He is also involved in international, technical cooperation within the company's line of busi- ness. Marine Transport Lines Announces Promotions Marine Transport Lines, a major owner and operator of oceangoing vessels, recently announced the pro- motion of Eugene F. White- horne, director of chartering, to vice president, marketing. He will report directly to chairman/presi- dent Richard T. du Moulin. In addition, Mr. Whitehorne will continue as the general manager of the joint venture with Union Car- bide. Other promotions within the mar- keting group are: Tom Lowndes, assistant chartering manager to manager, chartering; Mark van Stolk, project manager-new busi- ness development to manager, proj- ect planning; and Jeff Miller, port captain to manager, chartering op- erations. Marine Transport Lines is a lead- ing owner, manager and operator of oceangoing vessels engaged in the transportation of bulk commodi- ties. 240-Ton Tugboat Raising Made 'Light Duty' With Slingmax Twin-Path Slings Twin-Path® slings from Sling- max® Rigging Products, Aston, Pa., were utilized to raise a 240-ton tug after it sank in the Port of Green Bay, Wis. The marine construction and sal- vage company that was called to raise the tug consulted with Wiscon- sin Lifting Specialists Inc., a Sling- max dealer in Milwaukee, Wis., who September, 1990 recommended using Kevlar® Twin- Path slings over traditional wire rope slings. Twin-Path slings are essentially two complete slings in one, each making a separate connection be- tween hook and load. They are lightweight, easy for divers to use and constructed of 100 percent polyester, ensuring a strong and se- cure lift. Wisconsin Lifting supplied nine Twin-Path slings. Each sling was used in a basket hitch and has a working load capacity of 120,000 pounds. "It took three full days to com- plete the entire job and we were all very satisfied with the performance of the Twin-Path slings," reported Ted Proite, sales manager at Wis- consin Lifting. Slingmax dealers offer a complete line of innovative rigging products, in addition to Twin-Path products, for use in rigging, construction, mill- wrighting, overhead lifting and crane applications. Slingmax has over 30 locations in North America, with representation in Europe and the Middle East. For more information and free lit- erature on Slingmax Rigging Prod- ucts, Circle 26 on Reader Service Card JUDGE US BY OUR ACTIONS. • Over 40 years experience getting ships back to sea. • Service and spare parts to fit all your diesel needs, anywhere in the world. In bonded warehouses. • Fully licensed, authorized repairer and spare parts supplier for most major diesel equipment manufacturers. • Main journal and crank- pin reconditioning. • Centrifugal rebabbiting of bearings of all sizes. • Patented in-place repair services. GOLTENS THE DIESEL REPAIR EXPERTS. GOLTEN MARINE CO. INC. 160 Van Brunt Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 Phone: (718) 855-7200 Telex: 22-2916 Cable: GOLTENS Fax: (718) 855-4471 Worldwide Locations: Wilmington, CA • Miami, FL Fairhaven, MA • Rotterdam, Holland • Kowloon, Hong Kong sOslo, Norway • Singapore • Dubai Circle 315 on Reader Service Card Coffin Turbo Pump, Inc. How Far Can A Ship Go With The Perfect Seal? The answer is, a long, long way. From drawing board to shipboard, Coffin® has earned the reputation for making the finest shipboard boiler feed pumps and now brings you mechanical seals, avail- able world-wide for steam-driven vessels. Designed and built using the highest quality materials of construction, far superior to conventional packing, Series 100 and Series 200 mechanical seals work tirelessly to maintain the integrity of your ship's pump, ensuring efficient, long-term service. Series 100 fits IND, T and CG pumps, while Series 200 is designed to fit type DE, DEB-16 and DEB-22 pumps. For smoother sailing, greater safety and worry-free operation, make the switch from conventional packing to high per- formance Coffin® mechanical seals. Call today for details. Precision Engineered Coffin® Seals — Rugged, stainless steel construction Non-asbestos Reliable service Lightweight, compact Minimal maintenance Safe, leak-proof design Circle 209 on Reader Service Card 55 Circle 250 on Reader Service Card The Seaward Marine Fender Protecting Vessels and Port Facilities Worldwide For Over 15 Years • Dock Fenders • Ship Fenders • Lightering Fenders •"Donut" Pile Fenders • Foam Filled Marine Buoys • Flotation Products • Urethane Marine Coatings • Specialty Elastomeric Materials As an elastomer technology corporation solving the problems of tendering, flotation, energy absorption, abrasion and corrosion, Seaward International has the experience and resources needed to solve your problems. For information contact Seaward International, P.O. Box 98, Clearbrook, SEAWARD Virginia 22624. Telephone: (703) 667-5191, Fax: (703) 667-7987. INTERNATIONAL. INC Seaward International is the world's largest manufacturer of foam filled marine fenders and flotation products. Our reputation for delivering the highest quality, best performing products to serve the military and commercial marine industry is unequaled. Seaward Products and Services include: