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jmrwj H/DEj PAara FClY j ;-V 1 FDR was president, sulfa drugs were the miracle cure for infections, and kodachrome was the hottest new color film on the market. The year was 1935, the year that Eastern Stain- less started selling stainless plate and sheet. Since then, Eastern has supplied the highest-quality flat-rolled steels to diverse and demanding markets. Eastern offers customers one-stop convenience and reliability with the broadest range of grades, sizes, gauges and fin- ishes available from any one source. And, we have a 90% on-time shipping record, the highest on-time delivery in the industry. Through the years we've also developed new technologies and tech- niques to assure the most prescription- precise materials available. Today, we're looking at new technologies and processes that will help our customers meet the new demands of the 1990s and the 21st century. Eastern Stainless. We're one of the oldest and America's largest stainless plate pro- ducer. And, we're at your service. Call today. 55 YEARS AT YOUR SERVICE Eastern Stainless Eastern Stainless Corporation P.O. Box 1975 Baltimore, Maryland 21 903 [301] 522-6200 FAX: [800] 445-6324 GO Associate Member Steel Service Center Institute Hot and Cold-Rolled Stainless Plate • Plate Products • Stainless Diamond Safety Floor Plate and Floor Sheet Flat Bar cfp* • Stainless Sheet Coils and Sheet Products *cut from plate 32 Circle 204 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News