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0 ^ DEL GAVIO MARINE HYDRAULICS, INC. SALES • SERVICE «c;uNSULTING • PARTS Complete Repairs On All Types of Electro Hydraulic Steering Systems and Deck Machinery Hydraulic Pump & Cylinder Rebuilding & Testing 24 Hour Service, Worldwide 207 West Central Ave., Maywood, N.J. 07607 Telephone: (201) 843-4700 Telefax: (201) 843-6470 "LONG ISLAND'S LARGEST SALVAGE DEALER" USED/SURPLUS EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Anchors, chains, swivels, connecting links, shackles, buoys, Berger & McKissick fair- leads, winches, wire rope clips, sockets, thimbles & wedge sockets, hoist & hook blocks, sheaves, turning blocks, etc. "Six hundred ton floating crane for hire." Gladsky Marine Garvies Point Road Glen Cove, NY 11542 516-671-2474 FAX 516-922-9108 Circle 228 on Reader Service Card Circle 342 on Reader Service Card Circle 256 on Reader Service Card HOPEMAN BROTHERS, INC. A Leader in Marine Accommodations As the largest accommodations specialist in the United States, Hopeman Brothers, Inc. has the expertise, experience and facilities to design and manufacture every element for the modular outfitting of ships. Exclusive American Distributors—panels, doors, ceilings, and modular bathrooms. !! .soiaminiM DAMPA IHPerstorp MOD LI I At Hopeman Brothers, Inc. we have built our reputation on service and quality workmanship. In our seventy years of marine construc- tion, we have outfitted nearly 3000 ships and never delayed a delivery. For more information, contact Hopeman Brothers, Inc. HOPEMAN BROTHERS, INC. Post Office Box 820 435 Essex Avenue Waynesboro, Virginia 22980 U.S.A. Telephone: (703) 949-9200 Telefax: (703)949-9206 Telex: 469608 <• Circle 243 on Reader Service Card New HF Cradle System Offers Safer, More Cost-Effective Material Handling At BIW Material handling is simpler and safer at BIW with the new HF Cradle System from Dwight Foote, Inc. The designs of the container and self-aligning and interlocking cradle sys- tem create a one-piece unit that can be handled from the floor by one man using an overhead crane and an HF sys- tem spreader beam. The materials handling system used for years at Bath Iron Works pipe fabrication shop relied on corrugated containers to hold the irregularly shaped subassemblies. Getting the material from the pipe shop to the ship required six full- time workers to move the finished pipe four times, including loading it on a flatbed truck for transportation to the installation site. Because a material handler had to climb up on the units and manually attach chain slings to the contain- er's four lifting eyes, they could only be stacked three high. This stacking limitation meant that a large floor area was needed for storage, staging and shipping. When BIW built its new pipe and sheet metal fabrication facility in East Brunswick, Maine, with a total production and storage area of 117,000 fta (including 3,800 ft2 of finished pipe storage in three bays), one of their major objec- tives was to make their materials handling and storage system safer and more efficient. BIW selected the patented HF Cradle Sys- tem, manufactured by Dwight Foote, Inc., Ber- lin, Conn., for its material handling and storage system. The self-aligning, interlocking design of the HF System allows rapid, safe and accurate stacking of multiple units. Because they can safely be stacked up to four high, storage floor space requirements were cut by one-third, and BIW was able to transport more finished subas- semblies per truck. Just as important, the HF Cradle System has eliminated the need for riggers to climb up on loads to connect chain slings to the containers. HF units are easily selected and handled from the floor by one man. A safer, more open work environment has been created. BIW's Matthew Quail, supervisor of sched- uling, and Mark McAuliflfe, plant superinten- dent, designed the material handling system used to retrieve, kit and ship the subassemblies. Both Bath Iron Works and Dwight Foote, Inc. designed the special containers for transporting and storing the finished pipe assemblies. The HF Cradle System consists of 250 cradle containers, 12 feet by 4 feet by 2-1/2 feet, with a capacity of 6,000 pounds, a single hook crane, and an HF spreader beam. The system handles a range of pipes in various configurations, from 3/4 inch up to 10 inches in diameter, with fit- tings, valves and gauges in place, and miscella- neous components and hardware required for each assembly. According to Dwight Foote, Inc. payback on the HF System calculated on labor alone is 30 months. For free literature detailing the HF Cradle System from Dwight Foote, Inc., Circle 8 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News