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BOATS & BARGES The Florida Department of Natural Resources recently ordered 19 of SeaArk Marine's "transporter" model oil spill recovery vessels. SeaArk Marine To Supply 19 Oil Spill Recovery Boats To State Of Florida SeaArk Marine, Inc., Monticello, Ark., a leading U.S. supplier of alu- minum workboats for commercial and marine applications, will supply nineteen 23-foot oil spill recovery vessels to the Florida Department of Natural Resources under a recent contract. The vessels will be SeaArk Ma- rine's 2308-B "transporter" models, which are constructed of all-welded marine aluminum with a center con- sole, open cockpit and 5-degree semi-Vee bottom hull design. The 23-foot oil spill recovery boats will have a beam of 8 feet, draft of 1 foot 8 inches, freeboard of 1 foot 4 inches, loaded displacement of 7,500 pounds and fuel capacity of 54 gal- lons. The transporter's standard propulsion is a single 100-hp com- mercial OMC outboard motor, but other power options are available. For responding to an emergency spill, the 23-foot transporter is equipped with portable weir skim- mers and a 400-gallon holding tank. These trailerable vessels can be quickly transformed for boom and cargo transport by using a lift davit to remove the storage tank and pumping system. Oil recovery system equipment on board includes a "Skim-Pak" model 18000SH portable skimmer and Campbell Chain Develops New Process To Extend Chain Life Campbell Chain, a division of CooperTools, formulated a new gal- vanizing process that reportedly will increase chain life by more than 60 percent. Used in galvanized Campbell chain, the new cold particle process substitutes for the traditional, diffi- cult-to-control, hot molten metal process, and reportedly produces twice the resistance to corrosion compared to the older method. In the new cold, mechanical gal- vanizing method, chain tumbles in a slurry of tiny glass beads and zinc particles. The beads "hammer" the model 4000 portable skimmer, "Na- tional Master" peristaltic pump, and 400-gallon aluminum holding tank, as well as discharge and suc- tion hoses. The skimmers for the Florida De- partment of Natural Resources will be readily adaptable for use as a utility/work boat and designed for easy cleanup including disassembly by a single worker. The vessels will be used at 12 Florida ports. For free literature detailing the model 2308-B "transporter" oil spill recovery vessel from SeaArk Ma- rine, Circle 127 on Reader Service Card particles into the metal surface, pro- ducing an even distribution of zinc on the chain. In the traditional "hot dip" pro- cess, workers immersed chain in a bath of molten zinc, producing a chemical reaction with iron to form a series of zinc-iron intermetallic compounds. But small differences in coating bath composition, tem- perature, and base steel composi- tion can produce significant changes in appearance and coating thick- ness. Based on extensive testing, Campbell believes the new mechani- cal galvanizing technique is superior to the hot dip process. For free literature detailing the new Campbell chain process, Circle 151 on Reader Service Card 20 HARBURTON Plant & Machinery Co. arc pleased to announce they have been appointed by the Todd Shipyards Corporation and authorised by the Court of New Jersey to be Sole & Exclusive Agents for TODD SHIPYARDS CORP. in the disposal of 40,000TLC Fl 17,500TLC Floating Dock Tel. (44) 428 4450 Woodlands, Vann Common, Telex 858830 HARBTN G Fernhurst, Haslemere, Fax (44) 428 56593 Surrey GU27 3NW, U.K. Circle 256 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News Circle 306 on Reader Service Card UfffilOIIf TELECOMMUNICATIONS FOR VESSELS AND SHORE. Waterway Communications System. Inc. 453 East Park Place Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-288-0300 WATERCOM * is a registered trademark of Waterway Communications System. Inc. Just a minute now! If you've got a minute. WATERCOM' has a new money-saver for you: a towering of the call minimum from three minutes to one. This new minimum can let you get a lot of work done... and save a lot of money in the bargain. Think about it. In one minute, you can verify your vessels' locations: call in a pickup or drop- off change; report on river conditions: confirm fueling arrangements: and save as much as $2 on your one- minute daytime calls. But if nighttime is still the right time, WATERCOM can help you save even more. Send your facsimiles and other data transmissions at night. Rates drop drastically from 8 p.m. to midnight (EST), and plunge even tower from midnight to 5 a.m. (EST). It's as plain as night and day. WATERCOM, the direct-dial telephone network, offers you clarity, privacy and—with the new one-minute minimum- economy. So you can talk when you want, the way you want.