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Taiwan Shipowner Orders Five New Containerships From Japanese Dockyard Evergreen, the Taiwan shipown- er, has confirmed placing orders for five new containerships, which are said to be among the world's largest. Onomichi Dockyard in Japan will build the ships, with deliveries ex- pected to begin in July 1992. A spokesman for Evergreen said the company's initial intent is to use the 4,500-TEU post-Panamax ves- sels in its trans-Pacific operations. At present, Evergreen operates six 2,728-TEU-capacity ships in its weekly Taiwan-U.S. West Coast ser- vice. Reports indicate that these six might be completely replaced by the five new containerships. Another Plug for BIOBOR JF Stop fungi and other microorganisms from growing in your fuel tank and filters with BIOBOR JF." Formulated especially for diesel and jet fuel, BIOBOR JF prevents growth of slime-producing fungi that clog filters and interfere with engine function. It won't harm fuel system parts, or adversely affect fuel performance. Keep fuel flowing. Contact your distributor, or call your U.S. Borax sales representative at 1-800-729-2672 and ask about BIOBOR JF. BORAX Wartsila Diesel Announces Executive Appointments Daniel Kabel Wartsila Diesel, Chestertown, Md., recently announced the follow- ing executive appointments: Clas-Eirik Strand has been appointed president of Wartsila Diesel, Inc., the North American subsidiary of Wartsila Diesel Inter- national Ltd., of Helsinki, Finland. He will manage all Wartsila Diesel activities in North America, Central America, and the Caribbean Basin, from the new company headquar- ters in Chestertown, Md. Mr. Strand has been with Wart- sila Diesel since 1975, and most recently served as vice president of Wartsila Diesel in Finland. He con- tinues as head of their international management team responsible for diesel power plants worldwide. Jeffrey W. Eckel has joined Wartsila Diesel as vice president and chief financial officer. Mr. Eck- el has a background in investment banking and management consult- ing to the United States electric power industry. His experience in third-party financing, leasing, and merger and acquisition financing will be of great value in obtaining and structuring appropriate financ- ing for projects that include Wartsi- la Diesel engines. Torsten J. Astrom has been appointed vice president-power sys- tems. He will be responsible for all land-based power systems and pow- Karl Yannes er plant activities in North America, Central America, and the Caribbean Basin. Mr. Astrom has held a variety of sales and marketing positions with- in Wartsila Diesel since joining the company in 1980. Daniel Kabel has been ap- pointed vice president-diesel ser- vice. He will be responsible for product support and service for North America, Central America, and the Caribbean Basin. The five regional service offices will report to Mr. Kabel at the company's head- quarters in Chestertown. Mr. Kabel, a graduate of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, is a member of the Wartsila Diesel international management team re- sponsible for diesel service. Karl Yannes has been ap- pointed vice president-marine en- gines for Wartsila Diesel, Inc. Mr. Yannes, who will also be located in Chestertown, will be responsible for all Wartsila Diesel marine market- ing activities in North Amnerica, Central America, and the Caribbean Basin. Mr. Yannes, a 1977 graduate of the U.S. Merchant Marine Acade- my, has held a variety of marketing and sales positions at Wartsila Die- sel since joining the company in 1983. Circle 201 on Reader Service Card Murphy Mfg. Offers Full-Color, 12-Page Marine Equipment Catalog Murphy Mfg. of Tulsa, Okla., is offering a full-color, 12-page marine equipment catalog titled "Monitor- ing and Protection for Marine En- gines and Equipment," which dis- plays photographs, drawings, and descriptions of over 60 products. A representative selection of Murphy Swichgage®s and Selec- tronic® components are shown. These instruments and controls are designed for the protection and automation of the engines, electric motors, pumps, and generators on vessels. For more information and free copies of the marine equipment cat- alog from Murphy Mfg., Circle 15 on Reader Service Card 10 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News