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members will be held in the Palla- dian Room. Later that evening, the annual banquet will be held in the Regncy Ballroom. The event will be presided over by Dr. Alfred Skol- nick, president of the society. For further information about at- tending ASNE Day '89, contact: ASNE, 1452 Duke Street, Alexan- dria, Va. 22314; telephone: (703) 836-6727; and fax: (703) 836-7491. Call for Papers For ASNE Day '90 Papers on all naval engineering- related subjects are welcome for submission for ASNE Day '90. Pos- sible topics include battle force en- gineering; combat systems; auto- mated logistics; acquisition manage- ment; maintenance; quality assur- ance; configuration control; aviation and space systems; artificial intelli- gence; communications; ship con- struction practices; directed energy effects; propulsion innovations; ship design; auxiliary systems; high per- formance craft; CAD/CAM; elec- tronics design/production; electro- magnetic engineering and marine engineering. A one-page abstract should be submitted prior to July 1, 1989. Drafts are due prior to September 1, 1989. All abstracts or questions con- cerning papers for ASNE Day '90 should be directed to: ASNE Day Papers 1990, Capt. James E. Grabb, USCG (Ret.), Naval Engi- neers Journal, 1452 Duke Street, Alexandria, Va. 22314; telephone: (703) 836-6727; and fax: (703) 836- 7491. ASNE DAY TECHNICAL PROGRAM Thursday, May 4 Session 1 9 a.m.—This opening session will deal in topical issues facing the Navy, the American Society of Naval Engineers and the naval engineering profession. Moderators: Rear Adm. Wayne E. Meyer, USN (Ret.) and Capt. George P. Nanos Jr., USN assistant. Technical Keynote Capt. Clark Graham, USN. The subjects will include the changing maritime strategy, Navy's role in space, emerging command and control in com- bined forces, and a forward look into sealift and the marine industry. The speakers will be the nation's leaders in these dynamic, rapidly changing subjects. This session will set the theme of Naval Engineering Into the Next Century for ASNE Day 1989. Reception Noon-12:30 p.m.—Luncheon for ticket holders in Regency Ballroom and Regency Gallery. 12:30-2:15 p.m.—Presentation of Jim- mie Hamilton and Solberg Awards in the Regency Ballroom. Luncheon address by Vice Adm. Peter M. Hekman, USN, Commander, Naval Sea Sys- tems Command. Palladian Room-Session 2A Moderators: Rear Adm. Robert L. Johan- son, USCG, and Capt. James W. Kehoe, USN (Ret.), assistant. 2:30 p.m.—"Review and Analysis of Ship Maneuverability Criteria," by Volf Asinovs- ky. 3:15 p.m.—"The Airwake of a DD-963 Class Destroyer," Lt. Cmdr. Michael K. Johns, USN, and J. Val. Healy. 4 p.m.—"Ship Roll Stabilization in the U.S. Navy," by A. Erich Baitis and Louis V. Schmidt. Diplomat Room—Session 2B Moderators: Robert P. Fulton and Lt. Cmdr. John G. Tuttle, USCG, assistant. 2:30 p.m.—"Calculating Operational Availability of Intermittent-Use Ship Sys- tems," by Daniel H. Conway and Adam R. Poh. 3:15 p.m.—"Technical Documentation Management in the Era of the Paperless Ship," by John Chickering and Williams B. Quails 4 p.m.—"The Surface Ship Maintenance Challenge," by Kenneth S. Jacobs and Ber- tram D. Smith Jr. Blue Room—Session 2C Moderators: Rear Adm. Roger B. Home Jr., USN, and James L. Corder, assistant. 2:30 p.m.—"Central Power Generation System for U.S. Coast Guard Polar Ice- breakers," by Larry Wilkerson and Clayton W. Davis. 3:15 p.m.—"Integrated Ship Machinery Systems Revisted," by William J. Leve- dahl. 4 p.m.—"The Evolution of Gas Turbine Control Systems Aboard U.S. Navy Ships," by Cmdr. John H. Preisel, USN. 5-6 p.m.-Cocktail party for all registraints in the Exhibit Hall and Ambassador Room. Friday, May 5 Palladian Room—Session 3A Moderators: Rear Adm. John T. Hood, USN, and James F. Horton, assistant. 8:30 a.m.—"Small Craft Survivability En- hancement through the Use of Smoke," by John R. Kennedy, Michael Ringwald, Carl W. Lohkamp and Lt. Cmdr. James R. Schon- berger, USN. 9:15 a.m.—"Cleer: An Al System Devel- oped to Assist Equipment Arrangements on Warships," by H. Harry Zhou, Barry G. Sil- verman and Joel Sinkol. Circle 342 on Reader Service Card LI SN AVE ESTALEIROS NAVAIS DE LIS BOA, S.A. "TELEFAX" lMo.276 46 70 LISBON PORTUGAL y/.W LISMAR APARTAD0 2138- 11Q3USBOA CODEX - PORTUGAL TELEX: 18172-12649-16370 L$NAVP~ TELEFS 2750811. MARGUEIRA YARD 606171 ROCHA YARD ' Marketing Services Ltd. CREE HOUSE 18-20 CREECHURCH LANE LONDON EC 3A 5AY - ENGLAND TELEX 269739 CMI G PHONE 01-623 12 33 FAX: 01-6231200 USNAYE QUALITY, COMPETITIVENESS AND r0N TIME'REPAIRS Shiprepairing Facilities (for all kind of vessels) Unlimited Drydocking Capacity i North Yard - Rocha. 4 Drydocks (up to 21000 D.W.T.) South Yard - Margueira. 4 Drydocks (up to 1000 000 D.W.T.) Blasting and Painting (own equipment) i External: 5 000 sqm/day; Internal: 1500 sqm/day Lifting Means (up to 300 tons) i 20 Rail Cranes. 10 Mobil Cranes and 2 Floating Cranes Well Equipped Mechanical, Piping and Plate Shops i Highly Skilled Manpower i Other Services Gasfree Certificates; Cathodic Protection (GASLIMPO) Reconditioning and Repairing of Propellers (REPROPEL) Electrical and Electronic Repairs (ENI) Industrial Cooling; Air Conditioning (FRINIL) Towage and Marine Services (REBOCALIS) Tankcleaning Storage and Bunkering Station (BOLIDEN) Reconditioning of Spare Parts (LISNAVE) Steel Fabrication (LISNAVE) North Yard - Rocha Available in the Port of Lisbon at a Privileged Geographical Situation and Excellent Weather Conditions April, 1989 1 1