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"1 ASNE DAY '89 'Naval Engineering Into The Next Century' May 4-5, Washington, D.C. ASNE Day, the annual event con- sisting of a technical program and exhibition of the American Society of Engineers (ASNE), will be held at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, Wash- ington, D.C., on May 4-5. The theme of the event is "Naval Engineering into the Next Cen- tury." The subjects of the first ses- sion, which will set the theme for the event, will include the changing maritime strategy, the Navy's role in space, emerging command and control in combined forces, and a forward look into sealift and mari- time strategy. ASNE has structured the initial events this year during the first morning session to allow focus on crucial matters confronting the nation and the sea services while subsequently retaining traditional sessions, as well, which present a diversity of fine technical papers. The society, which was formed in 1888 to publish a professional jour- nal and provide a forum for explor- ing and exchanging new ideas and technology while sharing experi- ences in naval engineering, repre- sents over 8,500 military and civil- ian naval engineers. About 200 ex- hibitors will be on hand to demon- strate their products and services. Traditionally the best-attended annual Navy show, ASNE Day pri- marily focuses on naval vessels— ship design, ship machinery, equip- ment and engineering advances. The topical issues addressed on Thursday morning, May 4, will com- mand the attention of those actively engaged in the formation, imple- mentation and operation of seago- ing forces. At Thursday's luncheon in the Regency Ballroom of the Omni Shoreham Hotel, the "Jimmie" Hamilton Award and Solberg Award will be presented to their respective recipients. The "Jimmie" Hamilton Award is presented annually to the author(s) of the original technical paper of the greatest value and significance to naval engineering and published in the Naval Engineers Journal during the year. The Solberg Award is given to the U.S. citizen who has made the most significant contribution to naval en- gineering through personal research carried out during or culminating in the three-year period ending in the year of consideration. Following Friday morning's ses- sions, Dr. Edward Teller, will give the Isherwood Lecture in the Regency Ballroom from 11-11:45 a.m. on "An Unsinkable Navy." At 2 p.m. on May 5, ASNE's annual business meeting for all 54 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News