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business beyond traditional ship re- pair. Examples of this include lay- berthing (berthing and mooring ships for long periods of time) and conversion of Ready Reserve Force ships and layberthing large oil tank- ers that are in between charter as- signments. Portland's location, ex- cellent mooring facilities, and the harbor's salt-free fresh water are assets that have attracted shipown- ers. Another successful diversification effort has been the fabrication of oil field modules—high job-generating projects PSRY has done contin- uously since 1984. A $12-million ARCO Alaska 1989 Sealift module project was recently awarded to Portland. The contract was awarded to Wright Schuchart Harbor Company of Seattle. The company will build five 1,500-ton modules, roughly the height of 11- story buildings. In addition to PSRY's 24-acre module fabrication site adjacent to the shipyard, to support future work, an additional 30 acres in the Swan Island lagoon are being filled and developed for oil module fabri- cation projects. Yard Rehabilitation Nears Completion A major rehabilitation of the old- er portion of PSRY that dates back to Henry J. Kaiser World War II shipbuilding is about 75 percent complete, according to Mr. Alvis. Started in 1982, the $10-million rehabilitation project is a "self- help" program to be paid out of shipyard revenues. The rehabilitated facilities sup- port the Port's Drydocks 1 and 3. The older part of PSRY was not included in the major PSRY $84- million ship-repair expansion pro- gram approved by Portland voters in 1976. That program provided Drydock 4, one of the largest of its kind on the West Coast, and its var- ious support facilities and services which became operational in 1979. "This rehabilitation is a joint ef- fort of the Port (of Portland) and our ship-repair contractors to ex- tend the useful life of the older part of the shipyard from our own reve- nues, without asking for additional tax," Mr. Alvis said. He explained that four of the eight Washington cranes dating from World War II, manufactured in 1942, have been restored to like new condition. "Even though these cranes have given the Port 40 years of service, after total reconditioning, they are now new pieces of machin- ery with an expected service life of 20 years or more," he added. In addition to reconditioning the cranes, the PSRY rehabilitation is making new ship berths out of old ones—with replacement of piling, decks, pavement, new lighting, new and improved utilities and sewer mains, river water systems and sprinkler improvements, new and vastly improved electrical substa- tions, and a compressed air distribu- tion system and enlarged equipment lay-down areas. For free literature detailing the shipbuilding, repairing and conver- sion facilities of PSRY and its ship- repair contractors, Circle 17 on Reader Service Card Circle 164 on Reader Service Card Dampa Appoints Hopeman Brothers Sole U.S. Distributor The Danish firm of Dampa A/S recently appointed Hopeman Brothers, Inc. as sole distributor within the U.S. marine business area. Hopeman Brothers, Inc. is lo- cated at 435 Essex Avenue, Waynes- boro, Va. 22980, phone (703) 949- 9200. David Rathburn will be re- sponsible for the Dampa product range. Dampa hopes further to strength- en its position as a leading designer and manufacturer of fire rated and decorative marine ceiling systems. Hopeman Brothers, Inc. has shown an equally future-minded ap- proach toward accommodation out- fitting within their field and are, with the Dampa distributorship, continuing their strategy and wide- ning their activities. For further information and free literature on Dampa products, Circle 33 on Reader Service Card WHERE IN THE WORLD IS CTI ? GERMANY SEALAND PRODUCER & CONSUMER CTI Shield/Seals™ and cleaned main & auxiliary condensers. CALIFORNIA OMI COLUMBIA Designed and fabricated two diesel air coolers. Ki \ TURKEY USS BARNEY CTI Shield/Seals™ in main condenser & coated tube sheets. PUERTO RICO PRMSA'S 5 SHIP LANSER FLEET CTI Shield/Seals™ all condensers & coated tube sheets. in INDIAN OCEAN MOC OVERSEAS VALDEZ Retubed a variety of heat exchangers. DIEGO GARCIA USS CAMDEN CTI Shield/Seals™ in main condenser & coated tube sheets. COMPLETE CONDENSER HEAT EXCHANGER AND COATING SERVICES When an emergency arises, CTI can respond anywhere in the world in 48 hours. Our unique tube restoration techniques allow us to complete repairs in one-quarter of the usual time and can save you up to 80% in unnecessary retubing costs. Quality Controlled, Turnkey Systems allow CTI to provide up to a 15 year guarantee on all of our work. Please call us today—let us prove it! ASK ABOUT OUR HIGH PERFORMANCE UNDERWATER APPLIED COATINGS CTI. CTI Industries, Inc. 10 Sasco Hill Road Fairfield, CT 06430 USA (203) 259 - 7179 TWX (710) 465 - 6349 FAX (203) 254 - 3599