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ELECTRONICS UPDATE Leslie Controls Introduces New SDM 5000 Flow Computer —Literature Available— The Commander SDM 5000 Flow Computer, a total energy manage- ment information center for calcu- lating pressure and temperature- compensated flow, has been intro- duced by Leslie Controls, Inc., Tam- pa, Fla. The new unit is designed to be used as a stand-alone flow com- puter, or in communication with a host computer. Leslie Controls is a leading manu- facturer of steam control valves, regulators, water heaters, instru- mentation, viscosity control sys- tems, microcomputer flow measure- ment systems and other related products in the field of steam man- agement. The SDM 5000 represents the newest addition to the company's Commander series of flow measure- ment systems. It is designed to measure flow, pressure and temper- ature in a single pipe and can be programmed to measure saturated steam, superheated steam, natural gas, compressed air, liquids, kilo- watts and BTUs. Whether used as a stand-alone flow computer, or in communication with a host computer via RS232C, or modem, it permits the user to remotely access all important oper- ating information. Bi-directional communication also allows the user to control the information needed, i.e., analysis of all inputs, calculated valves and calibrated data. Opera- tors can change span, calibration data and alarm settings. The SDM 5000 offers these addi- tional features and benefits: use of approved ASME or AGA equations for mass flow calculations which prevent entry of inaccurate equa- tions; built-in digital milliamp me- ter on each input for calibration and troubleshooting; parallel printer Furuno U.S.A., Inc., South San Francisco, Calif., recently intro- duced a new low-cost searchlight sonar to their line of professional fish finding equipment, and added the FCV-551 eight-color video soun- der to its sounder family. In addi- The new Commander SDM 5000 Flow Com- puter from Leslie Controls, Inc. of Tampa, Fla., is designed to be used as a stand-alone flow computer, or in communication with a host computer. port, enabling the user to log all information for use in energy man- agement or cost analysis; informa- tion advance feature, allowing the operator to advance through the display and view the current status of all transmitters; alarm indicators for flow, pressure and temperature can quickly isolate operating prob- lems and reduce downtime for trou- bleshooting components. As part of the overall Commander series turnkey program, Leslie Con- trols offers full installation of equip- ment, service contracts and contin- uous follow-up of all system operat- ing components. Founded in 1900 as The Leslie Company, Leslie Controls has its corporate offices and plant in Tam- pa, Fla., plus a network of sales rep- resentatives throughout the U.S. and the world. For full information and particu- lars on the Commander SDM-5000 Mass Flow Computer or any Leslie Controls product or system, Circle 21 on Reader Service Card tion, the company was appointed exclusive distributor for the Lokata line of 406 MHz distress beacons in the U.S. The CH-18 color searchlight son- ar, for commercial and serious sport fishermen, is a compact system that provides an extremely bright eight- color non-fading picture on a high resolution 8-inch CRT with selecta- ble background color. The system consists of only two units for easy installation. The display unit can be very conveniently mounted in even small pilothouses, while the trans- ducer unit requires only a 6-inch I.D. hull pipe. The CH-18 offers a powerful 800W (rms) transmitter operating at 180 kHz and has automatic or manual training in 6 degree steps around a full circle, or in any of eight operator selectable sectors. Performance features include off- centering, target alarm, VRM and EBL, 6.5 degree high resolution con- ical beam, 11 ranges to 1,800 feet, audio monitor, noise limiter and in- terference rejector. Options include handheld remote control and elec- tronic transducer stabilization. The FCV-551 500W (rms), single- frequency, eight-color video sound- er with high resolution 8-inch CRT has now been added to the sounder family that includes the dual-fre- quency FCV-552 introduced last year. Both units can provide, with op- tional sensors, a historical tempera- ture plot covering the range from 23 to 86 degree F on the lower third of the CRT. Or they can interface with onboard loran or sat nav receivers to function as video plotters complete with present position, track plot, event marks, present and past way- points, range/bearing to waypoint, and current time, as well as position, depth, temperature and time data for past waypoints. The FCV-551 is available in eith- er 50 or 200 kHz operating frequen- cies. It has internal memory to store a full page of data in any mode, alarms for fish, bottom, midlayer, or temperature, it stores up to 16 events, and operates from a univer- sal 11-40 VDC power supply draw- ing just 50 W. Furuno's new FCV-551, and the entire FCV-550 series, has the per- formance features for complete fish- ing database management. The Lokata line of 406 MHz dis- tress beacons, for which Furuno was recently appointed exclusive dis- tributor in the U.S., transmit on the worldwide frequency for satellite- aided search and rescue, and in- clude information on ship identifi- cation and type of emergency. Sig- nals are relayed via polar-orbiting COSPAS-SARSAT satellites to ground stations which then calcu- late vessel position to within 1-2 km. Furuno offers three versions of the Lokata EPIRB, two Category 1 float-free units and one Category 2 unit. In Category 1, Models 406H and 406HH are available, the latter including a built-in heater to insure release in severe icing conditions. Once installed, these units are fully automatic, designed to float free and begin transmitting should the vessel sink or capsize. While these new 406 MHz EPIRBs are now authorized for any vessel equipped with a VHF ship station, the U.S. Coast Guard has ruled that uninspected fishing ves- sels operating on the high seas must have an FCC Type Category 1 406 Furuno's CH-18 color searchlight sonar. The FCV-551 8-inch color video sounder. The Furuno/Lokata 406 MHz EPIRB. MHz EPIRB on board by August 17, 1989; if the vessel has an opera- ble 121.5 MHZ Classs A EPIRB that was installed prior to October 3, 1988, it has until August 17, 1994 to fit the new style unit. For free literature detailing the Lokata line of 406 MHz distress beacons, Circle 24 on Reader Service Card For free full-color literature on Furuno's CH-18 color searchlight sonar, Circle 25 on Reader Service Card For further information and full- color literature on Furuno's expand- ed FCV-550 series color sounder line, Circle 26 on Reader Service Card Color Brochure Offered On New High-Tech Marine Repair Lift Offshore Industries of Edmonds, Wash., is offering a free brochure on the patented Danish "Lemvig Lift," which can have a 300-ton vessel out of the water and onto the yard deck in 20 minutes or less and move it on a cushion of air to anywhere in the working area. The brochure text explains that the Lemvig Lift can be as large or as small as needed, and the cost is as attractive as the product. The high- ly sophisticated system uses nothing but air to perform its task. Air lifts the vessel from the water, and air is used to float the vessel on land to Furuno Introduces New Products; Is Now Distributor For Lokata EPIRBs —Literature Available— 54 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News