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SIGNAL YOUR INTENT TO ATTEND THE 1988 INTERNATIONAL Yes, I would like to receive free tickets to this major industry event, held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of its sponsor, the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. I want to preview the latest in marine and shipbuilding products, equipment, supplies, and services. I am eager to meet with the leading suppliers from around the world. Of course, I also don't mind saving myself and my associates, the regular $7.00 admission charge. When you need to give an affirmative answer, use the International Signal Flag shown here. C of the Alphabet Flags also means Ifes. ss 84 Name Title Company Address City State Zip Phone( Number of Tickets s Mail to: Reber-Friel, Exposition Management, 221 King Manor Drive, King of Prussia, PA 19406. Or call them at: (215) 272-4020. THE INTERNATIONAL MARITIME EXPOSITION New York Hilton, New York, NY Wednesday, November 9, 1988: 2 pm to 6 pm Thursday, November 10, 1988: 10 am to 6 pm Friday, November 11, 1988: 10 am to 4 pm Circle 175 on Reader Service Card During the Annual Meeting of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Maritime Reporter/Engineering News