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MASTER ORDINANCE REPAIR PROGRAM (MOR) PROJECT MANAGER TEST MANAGER COMBAT SYSTEM SUPERVISORS COMBAT SYSTEMS SHIP SUPERINTENDENTS SOUTHWEST MARINE INC., SAN DIEGO DIVISION, AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. IS SEEK- ING QUALIFIED OR QUALIFIABLE PERSONNEL. INTERESTED PARTIES SEND RESUMES TO: SPECIALISTS IN THE REPAIR, OF SEAGOING VESSELS SWM MOR PROGRAM MANAGER P.O. BOX 13308 SAN DIEGO, CA 92113-0308 1-800-327-5162 EX-221 L.S.T. BARGES 1 @ $90,000—1 @ $75,000 Located: Norfolk, VA. Contact: George Flanagan, 804/627-3651 NEW EQUIPMENT... AT OLD TIME PRICES • NEW FEED PUMPS Feed Turbine - Turbodyne - Frame: 284SWVK CCW rotation 1070hp 1370# 750°F 40# Exh. 287° Exh. Temp 7350 RPM Order #U-19964 Ser. #33533 Pump - Ingersoll Rand Size 3DM-4 700 @ 4350' 7000RPM 2700# Hydro Ser. #0475-78 New Price: $235,000 OUR PRICE: $29,000 •••MK-— • BRAND NEW VERTICAL MOTORS Unit Price (2) 75HP 1750RPM 30,60z 460v U.S.365JPV BBTEFC $935. (5) 50HP 1750RPM 30.60Z 460v U.S.365LP BBTEFC $750 (4) 30HP 1750RPM 30.60Z 230/460» U.S.286JPV S60 (2) 30HP 1750RPM 30,60z 230/460V U.S. 286TCF $600 (3) 20HP 1750RPM 30,60z 230/460V U.S.256JP $50 (3) 20HP 1750RPM 30,60z 230/460V U.S.256V0H $400 (2) 15HP 1750RPM 30,60z 230/460V U.S.254JIVIV BBTEFC $350 (3) 15HP 1750RPM 30,60z 230/46DV U.S.254VPH $35 (2) 15HP 1750RPM 30,60z 460v 254VP $250 (12) 7VzHP 1750RPM 30,60z 230/460V U.S.213TCV $20 • NEW PUMPS - MARINE TYPE (2) Worthington Horizontal Centrifugal 1400 GPM at 110' head. (1) Worthington, 1200 GPM at 235' head. (3) Aurora, 2500 GPM at 155' head, Type 411 (2) Ingersoll Rand Horizontal Centrifugal 300 GPM at 30' head. (2) Ingersoll Rand, 120 gPM at 185' head, Type 3x1'/zx8. (2| Vertical Centrifugal, 60 GPM at 60' head, Type 1V:x1x6. (4) Delaval Type Positive Displacement 96 GPM at 400 PSI. (1) Krogh Vertical Centrifugal, Non-Clog 3000 GPM at 40' head. (4) Ingersoll Rand, 500 GPM at 100' head. Type 3x7 ALS. (2) Worthington Horizontal Centrifugal 1200 GPM at 70' head. Type 500LZ. (2) Ouricon Pumps, 150 GPM at 235' head, Type 3x1 Vz. (2) DLurimet Pumps, 20 GPM at 20' head. (3) Goulds Pumps, 570 GPM at 160' head. • NEW BUTTERFLY VALVES |2) Stell 36" Pratt Triton XL year 181 Serial #7-05911-2 50# Rubber Seat 134°F Body A-36 Seat A-240 w/316 edge service - PCP suction isolation 46" Flange 12" F/F 42-3/4" B/C 2'/i" Flange (32) 1-5/8" Bolts ACTUATOR: Limitorque Type H Size 2BD Order 3A3067B Serial 318630 Rat-100.0 Valve B47257 betchel 1.25 Pos A 33HP 230/460V (3) Bronze BIF wafer-type 28" Model 0652 Design 120# 150°F Ser #N-50919-3 1980 32'/;" Flange 8-1/8" F/F Limitorque Type SMB Size-00 Order 3D1124A #310482 Valves 90635-13 Rat-94.0 Type H Size 3BC 460 volt. (2) 24" Butterfly Bronze Wafter-type BIF Model 0652 Des 150# 150°F Serial #N-50902-5 1980 28" Flange 7" F/F Limitorque SMB Size-000 Rat-100.0 Order 3D1131A Valve 90642-13 Ser. #312777 460 volt. • NEW AXIAL FLOW FANS Joy Axivane Fans Series 1000 Model 23-17 3500/1750 RPM 460V 3-ph 60-cyl 20/5 HP 236/8-2 F1 Amps 9000 CFM 8.1 PT 4500 CFM 2.02 PT Reliance Fr. 256TCZ Class H 3490/1750 RPM 50° Amb. New Price: $2,900 OUR PRICE: $1,200 • NEW - UNERRECTED - CRANES (2) NEW Appleton Electro Hydraulic Cranes ABS approved 18 tons at 54 feet; 30 tons at 25 teet 300 H.P. 440V Power Pack New Price: $295,000/each OUR PRICE: S39,000/eo. • NEW FORCED DRAFT TURBINES Turbodyne Reduction Gear - Frame: 284SWVK 685HP 1370# 750°F 40# Exh. 5133/1780RPM Form D New Price: $135,000 OUR PRICE: $19,000 NEW 65MM CHAIN Grade 3 New Price: S4,500/Shot OUR PRICE: $3,500/Shot. BRAND NEW MARLO COOLING COILS - From 5-ton to 50 ton. New Price: $1,900 OUR PRICE: $900 • NEW SULZER PARTS New RND90 Sulzer Cylinder Heads New Price: $11,000 OUR PRICE: $5,500 New Liners for Sulzer RD90 New Price: $12,000 OUR PRICE: $6,500 Buffalo Fans Size-66D9 ADJVSTAX Diesel Gen Room Recirc. Fan 108000 @ 4.49 TP 1170 RPM 94.8 BHP 70°F .075 dens. Blade Set-36 Max Set-47 Motor: West. Lite Line Fr. 445TCZ 460/3/60 hazardous location 125 Max. 144 HP 142/165 amps New Price: $5,200 OUR PRICE: $3,700 NEW 25,000 HP General Electric High Pressure Steam Tubines, manufactured 1980, 1400# inlet pressure 950°, 85# discharge pressure 6900RPM. Brand New. New Price $850,000/ea OUR PRICE: $95,000/eoch NEW 700 SQ. FT. CONDENSER New Price: $80,000 OUR PRICE: $19,000 [ 1 NEW HEAT EXCHANGERS Copper/Bronze Size: 1060 3/8" Tubes 3" Openings 10" Diameter 60" between tube sheets New Price: $3,500 OUR PRICE $1,900 • NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC BAKE OVENS Model MN-60 6.2 KW 460V FAC-102208G803 CIR - 1-3ph 60-cyl SR-BCM5549 New Price: $2,900 OUR PRICE: $1,200 NEW 25-TON Carrier Air Conditioning Units 5H40-149 Compressor Motor: Westingheuse 25HP 1750RPM Frame: 284T 460V 3-ph 60 cyl Complete with Condenser, Freon Receiver and Starter mounted as package. New Price: $29,000 OUR PRICE: $14,000 THOUSANDS OF OTHER MARINE ITEMS IN STOCK - CALL US - WE HAVE! BRUCE — AL — IRV — MIKE — STEVE MARITIME POWER CORPORATION 200 HENDERSON STREET • JERSEY CITY, N.J. 07302 • TELEPHONE: 201-433-0870 TELEX: 620533 MARPOW • FAX: 201-433-1459 For Barge Rentals or a Complete Marine Package Call the ^ Barge People. Our experience and knowledge in serving a wide variety of industries enables us to provide the right size and type of barge and tow to make your marine operations profitable. • Large, diversified fleet for inland, oceans and speciality service. • Experience in arranging and managing marine packages • 20 convenient fleeting locations along Gulf Coast and upper river. Rentals -Sales -Service New Orleans (504) 949-7586 Telex 58-4393 Fax (504) 945-5513 2300 SurekoteRd. N.O.. LA 70117 Houston (713)452 5887 Parkersburg (304) 485-4494 St Louis (314) 469-0510 MCDONOUGH MARINE SERVICE DREDGING & MARINE EQUIPMENT FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Large Suction Dredge: 120'L X 40'W X 8'D with two spuds 90'L X 2.5' Dia., main pump drive ALCO 16 cyl. 251-E 3000 HP, main pump 20" X 24" model LSA-73 Georgia Iron Works, underwater pump 24" X 24" x 44" LHD Georgia Iron Works, etc. Dredge totally re- built 1983, 4000' Polyethylene Pipeline. Tugs: Two tugs approx. 1000 HP ea. 80'L X 20'W X 10'D. One GM and one B&W powered ready to work. Canadian Registered. Work Boats: Two twin screw work boats approx. 550 HP ea. 42'L X 13'W X 5'D, road transportable. One GM powered and one Cummings powered, fully re- built 1984. Canadian Registered. Jack-Up Barge: 50' X 50' all hydraulic 3' dia. spuds capable of jacking up with 100 tons on deck in 60' of water, has drill hole in centre. U.S. Registered. Deck Barges, Crane Barges, Spud Barges, An- chor Scows, Dump Scows, Cranes, Work Boats, etc. Canadian & U.S. Registered. INTERNATIONAL TUG & BARGE LTD Blair McKeil Port of Hamilton, Ontario (416) 522-8337 (416) 945-0813 DRY DOCKS or BARGES For new construction, prefabrication, repairs, and conversions : call for your special needs CONRAD INDUSTRIES, INC. 504 384-3060, P.O. Box 790 Morgan City, LA 70381 September, 1988 69