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folds are cooled by sea water. En- gine compartments were insulated at the deck and bulkheads to reduce noise. Electronics aboard the Phoenix III include a Regency Model 7200 VHF/ADF, Furuno FCV-661 depth finder, LC-90 loran, and FCR-904 radar; Si-Tex DT-2 depth sounder; and a Federal PA-300M siren. One mission of the boat will be to speed rafts to passengers who eva- cuate downed airplanes into the water. The boat carries 20 MRP-10S Switlik rescue platform type inflata- ble rafts on forward and aft decks. Munson designed and built a trailer capable of launching the boat in salt water. The three-axle trailer is galvanized and its bearings and brakes are salt-water corrosion re- sistant. For free literature on the boat- building services offered by Mun- son, Circle 111 on Reader Service Card New Joint Venture Formed For China's International Maritime Exhibition The Cahners Exposition Group (CEG) and the Seatrade Organisa- tion recently announced the forma- tion of a joint venture company to organize China's international mari- time exhibition, "Marintec China" and "Marintec Offshore China," which has been held in Shanghai every two years since 1981. The event is held in cooperation with the Shanghai Society of Naval Architec- ture & Marine Engineering (SNAME). CEG's and Seatrade's extensive worldwide network of offices and agents will combine to promote and develop the scope of the event inter- nationally and in China. A major international conference will take place at the same time as the exhibition, bringing together a wide range of sea transportation ex- perts from the business as well as the technical communities. The Seatrade Organisation has its own strong links with the People's Republic of China and publishes the Chinese language magazine "Mari- time China" in association with the China Ocean Shipping Company, and with the support of the Minis- try of Communications. Marintec China and Marintec Offshore China will next be held at the Shanghai Exhibition Centre, People's Republic of China, from November 28 to December 2,1989. For further information, contact Tony Nash, The Seatrade Organ- isation, Fairfax House, Causton Road, Colchester COl 1RJ, United Kingdom, phone 0206 45121, telex 98517 DISOP G, fax (0206) 45190. Nola Centurion Opens Fabrication Facility In Braithwaite, La. With contracts totaling more than $2.5 million, Nola Centurion Fabricators, a division of Nola Fleet Management, Inc., recently an- nounced the opening of its Braith- waite, La., fabrication facility. From their 30-acre site at Mile 80.7 on the Mississippi River, Nola Centurion offers services ranging from sophisticated inspection tech- niques for repair to engineering and fabrication for commercial and in- dustrial projects, and launching of vessels or offshore rig assemblies up to 250 feet. One current contract includes the complete refurbishing of 112 barges of a 515-barge fleet operated by For- est Lines, Inc. of New Orleans. "Even though we're located on the river, we don't want people to think we're limited to marine construc- tion," said Joe Martin, vice-presi- dent of operations. "We support a wide range of industries—petro- chemical, marine, and commercial construction. We perform mainte- nance, fabrication and construction projects throughout the river par- ishes. Our facilities allow us to transport by rail and truck as well as by the river." Past contracts for the petrochem- ical industry have included mainte- nance, fabrication and construction work. For free literature describing the complete services offered by Nola Fleet Management, Circle 45 on Reader Service Card Circle 191 on Reader Service Card randall CONSULTING SERVICES & DESIGN FOR: MARINE RAILWAYS FLOATING DRY DOCKS WATERFRONT STRUCTURES LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER • INSPECTION • CERTIFICATION • DIVING SERVICES • DRY DOCK HARDWARE Since 1854 CRANDALL DRY DOCK ENGINEERS, INC. 21 Pottery Lane Dedham, Massachusetts 02026 Telephone (617) 329-3240 Telex 924406 (CRADOC'DEDM) Circle 304 on Reader Service Card •>- STRONG LIGHTWEIGHT MEETS O.S.H.A. STANDARDS DOZENS OF USES Scaffold Planks Beams Headers Master Plank, an engineered wood product, is a continuous laminated veneer panel that can be cut into any required size for use as scaffold planks, beams and headers, etc. Available in standard widths. Master Plank, a wood laminate, provides strength properties superior to solid sawn wood. Warping, knotting and twisting are reduced, making the panel more consistently uniform. For more information contact: MI CAUSEY LUMBER CO. P.O. Box 46129 • 36325 Harper Avenue Mt. Clemens, Ml 48046 Telex 23-0300 • Telephone: (313) 792-3620 Fax: (313) 792-3805 Circle 225 on Reader Service Card