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11 IV ADVERTISE TO THOUSANDS MORE BUYERS-PLUS- ( MARITIME RE ANNI NOVEME ISS WITH EXTRA BONU AT FOUR E*l< IN NEW Y< 7th S.N.A.M.E. II MARITIME E] S.N.A.M.E. ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM & SHOW IN NEW ( THE WORK I "OUTSTANDING WORKBOA1 PLUS IN SEATTLE AT PACIFIC MARINE EXPO November 17-19 WITH ONE ADVERTISEMENT... AT ONE COST... you can be there, selling at four important marine industry events in November. Plus... only Maritime Reporter backs your advertising with the sales power of the world's largest total marine industry circulation. With features covering both the deep draft and shallow draft sec- tors of the market . . . and the four-show extra distribution ... this November '88 Annual issue will be the best read in years... and the most productive for advertisers. The S.N.A.M.E. Annual Meeting and Show in New York (Society of RESERVE ADVERTISING SPACE NOW ... TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE TREMENDOUS READER IN >p MaK OMWthruster