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Naval Propulsion Systems (continued) nished with a 350-hp Omnithruster bowthruster for precise handling and maneuverability. Michigan Wheel's Towmaster Nozzle/Rudder System, with its tri- ple-rudder design, offers excellent maneuverability and turning effi- ciency. The Towmaster System has been proven in over 100 applica- tions. Ulstein Trading Ltd. A/S of Nor- way has developed the High Lift Rudder, with a bulbous leading edge, active flap and vane elements, offers excellent steering ability at high-speed ship operation. South Korean Donghae Class cor- vettes are equipped with KaMeWa CP and reverse-pitch propellers. GEARS Cincinnati Gear Company, Cin- cinnati, Ohio, supplied huge carbu- rized and hardened and precision ground gears for the U.S. Navy's T- AO-187 Class oiler program, as well as supplying Textron Marine Sys- tems with eight gas turbine-pow- ered gearboxes and 24 couplings and clutches for the LCAC program un- derway at the yard. The lead ship of the AOE-6 Class will also feature Cincinnati Gear equipment—two dual input locked train reduction gears incorporating a hydraulic re- versing coupling. Fortunately, it's the first thing on ours. Wastewater treatment systems are the last thing that you should have to worry about. Now, thanks to Omnipure; you can concentrate on more important things; like your passengers. Omnipure's space saving, light- weight fully automatic units serve the purpose with trouble-free per- formance. With our revolutionary electroca- talytic process, it now takes just sec- onds to produce a quality, odor free effluent, acceptable in any port. There's no chemical additives, no sludge removal and virtually no maintenance. With models to accommodate up to 4,000 people, Omnipure can pro- vide the correct configuration for your ves- sel's require- ments. For more information, write for a FREE product brochure or contact us for your nearest EES Corporation representative. Wastewater Treatment... Our problem, not yours. EITECH EES Corporation An ELTECH Systems Company 12850 Bournewood Drive Sugar Land. Texas 77478 (713) 240-6770 Telex # 795459 FAX: (713) 240-6762 OMNIPURE WASTEWATER TREATMENT Sales and service centers located in most major parts of the world. Circle 216 on Reader Service Card JUDGE US BY THE COMPANIES WE KEEP | Waukesha fi AT25 ENGINES NAPIER TURBOCHARGERS MaK Fairbanks Morse AKAMAHA DIESELS KOBE DIESEL J^ j-jjl MITSUBISHI U.E. ISOTTA FRASCHINI, S.p.A. GOTAVERKEN BERGEN DIESEL Wartsila TURBOCHARGERS GOLTENS i HTICAnTIERI # -rips, a/KD THE DIESEL REPAIR EXPERTS. GOLTEN MARINE CO. INC. HEADQUARTERS: 160 Van Brunt St., Brooklyn, NY 11231 Phone: (718) 855-7200 Telex: 22-2916 Cable: GOLTENS BRANCHES: Wilmington, Calif. • Miami, Fla. Fairhaven, Mass. • Rotterdam, Holland • Kowloon, Hong Kong Oslo, Norway • Singapore FOWL' WEATHER GOT YOU DOWN? WHY NOT TRY5UNNY CURACAO. THE BEST WEATHER. THEBEST DRYDOCK. THE BEST CHOICE. ANY OTHER DRYDOCK S FOR THE BIRDS. CURACAO DRYDOCK CO. YARD I P.O. BOX 3012. CURACAO, NETHERLANDS ANTILLES TEL: (599-9)78533 TLX: 1107, 3HH3 CD/A NA FAX: (599-9)79950 US/CANADIAN AGENT: CURACAO DRYDOCK (USA) INC. 26 BROADWAY NEWY0RK, N.Y. 1000M TEL: (212)9^3-0122 TLX: ^20355,fcH039^ FAX.' (212) ^22-1102. Four Inhauma Class corvettes built for the Brazilian Navy by A.M.R.J. Rio de Janeiro are equip- ped with Renk reduction gears. Renk also supplied the reduction gearing for some of the FRG's Bre- men Class F122 frigates. Another Navy supplier, Falk, of- fers the RW Series of marine drives. The series features high-efficiency gears, long bearing life and simpli- fied maintenance. The COGAG propulsion system aboard the destroyer Arleigh Burke includes GE reduction gearing. Over the past few years, GE has invested more than $25.5 million in its ad- vanced hardened and ground gear facility at Lynn, Mass., and now has one of the world's finest gear facili- ties in the world. The complex is dedicated to the design, manufac- ture and test of superior and har- dened and ground Navy gears. Two other major suppliers of re- duction gearing to the international naval market are Westinghouse and Western Gear. Westinghouse reduc- tion gears are aboard the amphi- bious assault ship Wasp, as well as Spruance and Kidd Class destroyers and Ticonderoga Class cruisers. Western Gear has supplied reduc- tion gears for both the Oliver Haz- ard Perry Class (FFG-7) and Ade- laide Class (Australian) frigates. Reader Service Numbers For Manufacturers In This Review Manufacturers Reader Service # Engines Alco/Bombardier 66 Allison Gas Turbines 7 Caterpillar 68 Colt-Pielstick (FM) 69 Combustion Engineering 70 Cummins 71 Detroit Diesel 72 Deutz MWM 3 EMD (GM) 4 GE Gas Turbines 75 GE Steam Turbines 6 GMT 77 Isotta Fraschini 78 Krupp MaK 9 MAN B&W 80 MTU 1 Rolls-Royce 82 Stewart & Stevenson 83 Sulzer 84 Volvo Penta 85 Westinghouse Steam Turbines ... 86 Propellers & Thrusters Bird-Johnson 87 KaMeWa 8 Lips 89 Michigan Wheel 90 Omnithruster 1 Record 92 Riva Calzoni 93 Schaffran 4 Schottel 5 Sulzer-Escher Wyss 96 Ulstein 97 Voith-Schneider 98 Gears Cincinnati Gear 99 Falk 1 GE Gear 2 Renk 3 Twin Disc 4 Western Gear 5 Westinghouse Gear 6 ZF 7 Circle 230 on Reader Service Card Circle 229 on Reader Service Card 46 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News