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U.S. NAVY CURRENT NAVY, COAST GUARD & MARAD OVERHAUL, REPAIR & CONVERSION CONTRACTS AT U.S. SHIPYARDS (As of July 1988) SHIPYARD SHIP TYPE OF WORK SVALUE COMP Alabama Dry Dock USS Lexington (AVT-16) PM 10.131.466 8/90 Atlantic Dry Dock USS Underwood DSRA 7.466.000 8/88 (LSD-36) Avondale Shipyards USS Boone (FFG-28) SRA 9.998.452 7/88 USS John J. Hall DSRA 11,170,581 9/88 (FFG-32) USS Radford (DD-968) ROH 20.700.000 5/89 Bath Iron Works 4 USCG cutters ROH 117.452.000 89 USS Koelsch (FF-1049) OH 12,000,000 8/88 Bender Shipbuilding & Repair USS Redstone DD & OH 5,429.704 9/88 (T-AGM-20) Braswell Shipyards USNS Neosho DD & OH 7.366.392 8/88 (T-AO-143) USNS Vega REP 1.500.000 9/88 (T-AK-286) Charleston Naval Shipyard USS Andrew Jackson OH 112.058.684 3/90 (SSBN-619) USS Woodrow Wilson OH 120,928.007 3/89 (SSBN-624) USS Henry L. Stimson REF 19.673.812 8/89 (SSBN-655) & USS Mariano J. Vallejo (SSBN-658) Colonna's Shipyards USS Richard E. Byrd DSRA 4.280.000 7/88 (DDG-23) Continental Maritime USS Lang (FF-1060) PMA 3.200.000 10/88 USS Hoel (DDG-13) PM 4,500.000 9/88 USS Rentz (FFG-46) DSRA 4.400.000 12/88 DMI Shipyard MSB-1 ROH 41,057.000 — General Ship Corporation USS Stephen W. Groves EDSRA 10.969.490 7/88 (FFG-29) 5/88 Houston Ship Repair Mount Washington REP 549.000 (NDRF) Ingalls Shipbuilding USS Stark (FFG-31) REP 28,700,000 8/88 USS Wisconsin (BB-64) MOD 221,768.170 10/88 USS Richmond K. Turner ROH 28,780,830 8/88 (CG-20) USS San Jacinto (CG-56) PSA 7,000.000 10/88 Jonathan Shipyard USS Saginaw PM 9.900,000 6/90 Long Beach Naval Yard LPH Class Ships PM 8.096.132 10/90 Metro Machine Atlantic Fleet LPDs PM 5.334.400 8/91 USS Bowen (FF-1079) OH 6.900,000 — USS John King (DDG-3) DSRA 3.089.604 9/88 USS Claude V. Ricketts (DDG-5) DSRA 4,100.000 10/88 Moon Engineering USS Conynham REP 1,484.444 — (DDG-17) NASSCO 4 LSTs PM 3.500.000 90 3 LSTs MAINT 5.858.543 — USS Elliott (DD-967) ROH 27.779.349 9/88 Newport News Shipbuilding USS Pittsburgh SRA 7.055.300 7/88 (SSN-720) USS Enterprise OH 34.277.751 9/88 (CVN-65) USS Newport News PSA 3.400,000 1/89 (SSN-750) Surface Ship REP 48,095,123 7/89 Support Barge USS Oklahoma City PSA 3.367.692 — (SSN-723) USS Key West PSA 38.000.000 12/88 (SSN-722) USS George C. REF 11.172.200 10/88 Marshall (SSBN-654) USS Lewis & Clark REF 10.751.500 7/88 (SSBN-644) USS Jacksonville (SSN-699)TEST 8,000.000 8/88 Norfolk Naval Yard USS Baton Rouge SRA 5,462.494 10/88 (SSN-689) USS Memphis (SSN-691) SRA 8.486.562 10/88 Norfolk Shipbuilding AO-178, 179 & 186 PM 38,900.000 — USS Lawrence (DDG-4) REP 4.966.666 — Mormacsea & UPG 7.973,482 — Mormacsaga (RRF) Northwest Marine Iron Works USS Anchorage ROH 15.300,000 11/88 (LSD-36) USNS Kawashiwi DD & OH 4.775.510 — (T-AO-146) USS Okinawa (LPH-3) ROH 14.091.106 1/89 Pennsylvania Shipbuilding USS Patterson PM 5-10 mil/yr. 91 (FF-1061) Philadelphia Navy Yard USS Independence SLEP 240,000,000 — (CV-62) Portsmouth Naval Yard USS Kamehameha ROH 112,100,000 11/88 (SSBN-642) USS Albuquerque SRA 11.416.336 11/88 (SSN-706) & USS Philadelphia (SSN-690) 89 Puget Sound Naval Yard USS Nimitz (CVN-68) REP & OH — USS Alexander Hamilton ROH 110.713,798 11/88 (SSBN-617) Robert E. Derecktor USS Connole ROH 2,500,000 — (FFG-12) Service Engineering USNS Spica (T-AFS-9) OH 10,700.000 — AE-29. -32-34 PM 4.154,000 89 SHIPYARD Southwest Marine SHIP TYPE OF WORK SVALUE COMP USS Dubuque (LPD-8) OH 10,000,000 — USS O'Brien REP & UPG 2,300,000 11/89 (DD-975) USS Jarrett EDSRA 12,900,000 10/89 (FFG-33) USS George Philip EDSRA 10,758,483 4/89 (FFG-12) USS Tripoli (LPH-10) PMA 3,036,390 7/88 USS Wichita (AOR-1) REP 41,600,000 — & USS Kansas (AOR-3) USS Pluck (MSO-464) SRA 1,041,000 — LST-1185, -1186 OH 35,000,000 87-89 & 1191 USS Okinawa (LPH-3) ROH 16.114,285 7/88 USS Durham (LKA-114) DD 7,611,149 7/88 USS Anchorage (LSD-36) ROH 15,048,870 11/88 USS Stein (FF-1065) ROH 9,148,194 10/88 USNS Hayes (T-AG-195) CONV 33,878,232 3/90 T-ACS-7 & 8 CONV 43,158,333 10/88 USS Camden (AOE-2) REP 12,643,642 7/88 8 WHECs OH 234.903,000 2/91 USS Crommelin (FFG-37) REP &DD 4,200,000 9/88 14 buoy tenders SLEP 8,500,000 — 16 WMECs MAINT — — Tacoma Boatbuilding Tampa Shipyards Todd-Seattle Todd-San Pedro USCG-Curtis Bay Legend: CONV-Conversion; DEACT-Deactivation; DSRA-Docking Selected Restricted Avail- ability; EDSTRA-Extended Docking Selected Restricted Availability; MAINT-Maintenance; MODIF-Moficiation; MMA-Major Maintenance Availability; OH-Overhaul; PM-Phased Mainte- nance; PMA-Phased Maintenance Availability; PSA-post-Shakedown Availability; REF-refit; REP-Repair; ROH-Reglar Overhaul; SER-Service; SLEP-Service Life Extension Program; SRA-Selected Restricted Availability; UPG-Upgrade. Ingalls Shipbuilding Christens U.S. Navy Cruiser Chancellorsville The Aegis guided missile cruiser USS Chancellorsville (CG-62) was recently christened at ceremonies at the Pascagoula, Miss., shipyard of the Ingalls Shipbuilding division of Litton Industries. Principal speaker for the ceremo- ny was the Hon. Trent Lott, U.S. Representative from Pascagoula, Mississippi's Fifth Congressional District. Mrs. Edward H. Martin was chosen by the Navy as the ship's sponsor. The 567-foot, 9,500-ton Aegis cruiser is powered by four GE LM2500 marine gas turbines and is equipped with Aegis combat equip- ment, the most advanced surface ship air defense system in the world. The Chancellorsville is equipped with the MK 41 vertical launching system, a multiwarfare missile launching system capable of firing missiles against air, surface and un- derwater threats. Currently in its 50th year of ship- building, Ingalls was chosen as the lead builder for five of the latest classes of Navy surface comba- tants. Since 1975, Ingalls has delivered 50 major warships into the Navy's fleet, including eight Aegis cruisers. As lead shipbuilder of the Aegis cruiser program, Ingalls has been contracted to build a total of 19 of the 27 cruisers Congress has autho- rized for construction since 1978. For free literature detailing the shipbuilding facilities and services of Ingalls, Circle 109 on Reader Service Card The USS Chancellorsville (CG-62) is guided to an outfitting berth at Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, Miss. The amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD-1), the lead ship of a new class being built by Ingalls, is in the background. 38 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News