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Diesel Power Review (continued) SWDIESEL Circle 30 on Reader Service Card Based upon decades of experi- ence, Dutch engine manufacturer SWDiesel has developed a large va- riety of medium-speed engines ranging in power from 400 kw (536 hp) to 13,000 kw (17,433 hp). The introduction of advanced computer design systems has led to the development of the new "G" version of the company's F240 en- gine. This new system makes it pos- sible for engine components to be optimally designed and selected to form a tailor-made, client-required application of the diesel engine plant. The optional equipment in- cludes cooling and heating systems for lubrication oil, fuel injection and fuel treatment, as well as safety monitoring and alarm devices. Through the CAD system, all draw- ings of engine dimensions, positions of pipe connections, and all neces- sary diagrams and flow sheets are produced. As a result, the customer is supplied with a complete package of information—tailored and matched to his particular applica- tion. The new "G" version of the F240 A NEW ENGINE FOR A NEW AGE NEW 1988 EDITION MUKflfT Call Introducing SWDiesel's FG240 developed with Computer Assisted Design for the 21st Century SWDIESEL GULF, INC. 1500 Fourth Street, Suite F Harvey, LA 70058 Phone: (504) 361-0664 The World's Most Complete Annual Marine & Naval Equipment Catalog For Vessel Owners, Shipbuilders, Marine Designers, Naval Architects and Purchasing Agents. DETACH AND MAIL Mail to: Marine Equipment Catalog c/o Maritime Reporter 118 East 25 Street New York, New York 10010 Yes, I wish to take advantage of this Special Offer Please reserve copies of Marine Equipment Catalog. ($45.00 outside the U.S.) Name Position Company Business Add ress • Enclosed is my remittance of $32.00 per copy for . copies of the Marine Equipment Catalog. ($45.00 outside the U.S.) • Please bill me • Please bill my company Circle 209 on Reader Service Card 22 has an improved fuel injection sys- tem resulting in a better fuel econo- my and reduction of thermal load- ing, especially for burning heavy fuels. The charge air system has been simplified compared to the former F240. The number of parts of the charge air system is more or less halved, with, consequently, a more accessible and easier design. This improved charge air system can be matched perfectly to the new highly efficient turbochargers and the increased air flow. The ad- vanced injection system results in a faster and better combustion, espe- cially with low grade fuels. Endur- ance tests have shown that the dura- bility of engine components such as fuel injection nozzles, bearings, pis- ton rings, pistons, etc., have resulted in better lifetimes than can be ex- pected with the previous F240 ver- sion. Comprehensive research, sophis- ticated calculating methods, and the latest tools and equipment have enabled SWDiesel to manufacture a well-balanced and modern diesel engine—powerful, fuel-efficient and highly reliable. VOLVO PENTA Circle 21 on Reader Service Card Whether you need power for jobs requiring Heavy Duty (HD), Me- dium Duty (MD), or Light Duty rat- ings, Volvo Penta has a full series of engines from which to choose, with the extra equipment and accessories for specialized workboat needs. With propulsion systems perform- ing reliably in over 100 countries worldwide, Volvo Penta has an ar- ray of powerful, efficient engines and a network of skilled technicians to serve virtually every commercial need, including multi-engine instal- latins for large vessels. Developed from the start as work- boat engines, the TAMD121D and TMD121C are the biggest, most powerful diesels in Volvo Penta's program. Both are direct-injected, in-line sixes with turbocharging, and the TAMD121D also features aftercooling for even better output and performance. The TAMD121D produces 367 hp at 1,800 rpm (HD), 388 hp at 1,900 rpm (MD), and 422 hp at 2,000 rpm, while the TMD121C develops 300 hp at 1,800 rpm (HD), 320 hp at 1,800 rmp (MD), and 340 hp at 2,000 rpm (LD), comparatively. Developed with the help of so- phisticated computer technology, the turbocharged and aftercooled TAMD71 and TAMD61 represent the latest developments in the field of diesel technology. The TAMD71 provides 222 hp at 2,000 rpm (HD), 292 hp at 2,500 rpm (MD), and 262 hp at 2,500 rpm (LD), while the TAMD61 produces 187 hp at 2,200 rpm (HD), 228 hp at 2,500 rpm (MD) and 306 hp at 2,800 rpm (LD). New cylinder heads with flame bar- riers increase gasket life, while new intake and exhaust channel designs give identical swirl characteristics for each cylinder, reducing smoke and increasing fuel efficiency. New gear-driven freshwater circulation Maritime Reporter/Engineering News