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CLASSIFIED AND EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING HOW TO PLACE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: Mail clearly written or typed copy to: MARITIME REPORTER, 118 East 25th Street, New York, NY 10010. Include any photos, drawings or logos if required. Specify size of ad and number of insertions... Classified Advertising — Per Issue Rate: Classified advertising is sold at a rate of $70 per column inch ... MARITIME REPORTER'S classified section carries more advertising and sells more products than any other publication in the marine industry. Closing date for classified advertising is 20 days prior to the date of the issue. For further details contact John C, p'Malley at (212) 477-6700. Send all advertising material to MARITIME REPORTER And Engineering News, 118 East 25th Street, New York, NY 10010. CLYDE CRANE AND HOIST ELECTRICAL PARTS Collector Shoes & Shunts Geared Limit Switches Tandem Rheostat Assemblies DC Contactors Rectifiers DC Exciter sets Speed Switches Pushbutton lights Resistor DC Control Relays Solenoid Coils OVER 1000 DIFFERENT ITEMS IN STOCK Obsolete parts ? Engineered replacements available. EE Design Service Available for new or Replacement Crane Electrical Systems. (715) 398-7674 - Telex 931024 FAX (715) 398-3082 ATI 2315 East Fifth Street Superior, Wl 54880 PORT ENGINEER Good experience with diesel and auxiliaries. Small fleet, 2 U.S. flag specialized ships in overseas trade. Must be "hands on" engineer with good "people" skills. 7-15 years experience. Houston based. Send resume to: Sealift Services Ltd. 3040 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 1620 Houston, Texas 77056 NAVAL ARCHITECT MARINE ENGINEER MECHANICAL ENGINEER A MAJOR FABRICATOR OF BARGES AND MARINE HARDWARE HAS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR RECENT GRADUATES IN ENGINEERING AND ESTIMATING DE- PARTMENTS. COMPETITIVE, SALARY WITH EXCEL- LENT BENEFITS PACKAGE. SEND RESUME' WITH SALARY REQUIREMENTS TO: Box 402 MARITIME REPORTER AND ENGINEERING NEWS 118 EAST 25th STREET NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10010 E.O.E. M/F H c PKRSONNKI, CONSULTANTS Serving the marine industry since 1973 CONTRACT, PROJECT, PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT P.O. BOX 996 HUMBLE, TX 77347 (713) 526-3748 Conrad Industries, Inc. For new construction, pre fabrication, scgsg^ssgji5' repairs, and conversions 4 drydocks (2) 900 - ton; (2) 2,400 - ton capacity P.O. Box 790 • Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384 3060 • FAX: 504 385-4090 MARINE PERSONNEL New York Maritime College Training Ship EMPIRE STATE needs the following personnel for the 1988 cruise to Europe. 1. Engineering Watch Officers/Instructors, Se- nior & Junior. Appropriate USCG license. $3,750-$4,000. 2. Deck Watch Officers/Instructors, Senior & Junior. Appropriate USCG license. $3,750- $4,000. Salary is for 75 day training cruise starting May 9, 1988. Jobs terminate about July 23, 1988. Ports of Call: San Juan, P.R.; Lisbon, Portugal; Portsmouth, England. For more information call Master at (212) 409-7352 or submit letter/resume to: MASTER TSES SUNY Maritime College Fort Schuyler, Bronx, NY 10465 SUNY is an equal opportunity affirmative action employer. Major U.S. Corporation seeks experienced Marine Electronics Sales Representatives for the New York and Gulf Coast territories. Please send resume and salary requirements to Box 401 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News 118 East 25th Street New York, New York 10010 SERVICE • REPAIR . PARTS CONSULTING • DESIGN CUNNINGHAM MARINE HYDRAULICS CO., INC. 201 Harrison St. • Hoboken, N.J. 07030 (201) 792 0500 (212) 267-0328 2030 E. Adams St. •Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 354-0840 TWX 710-730-5224 CMH Hoboken, NJ FOR OVER YEARS Setting the Standard for Service to the Marine Industry OUR MANY SATISFIED CUSTOMERS INCLUDE: • U.S. AND FOREIGN GOVERNMENT AGENCIES • INDUSTRIAL FIRMS • TUGBOAT OPERATORS • BARGE OPERATORS • FREIGHT LINES • TANKER OPERATORS When It Comes To Marine Equipment... Come To Us For What You Need OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR GUARANTEE OF COMPLETE SATISFACTION Tl\£ WRITE—WIRE—PHONE BOSTON METALS CO. ESTABLISHED 1904 WAREHOUSE: Scott & McHenry Sts.-Baltimore. MD 21230 • MAIN OFFICE: (301) 539-1900 • TELEX: 197594 ANSWERBACK: B0SIR0N BAL FAX: (301) 727-5250 • WAREHOUSE: (301) 752-1077—Al Berman (Warehouse Mgr) April, 1988 71