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the world. Of and gives the advantage of low noise, greater maneuverability and quicker response. Numerous GE techno- logical breakthroughs make this possible. Key among these are generators and motors, which are the heart of the electric drive system. GE is a world leader in their design, manufacture and test. The ships service generator set, for example, is the smallest, highest power density system in equal importance is our expertise in water-cooled genera- tors, which was acquired from installing over 500 commercial systems. Beyond this, the system's gearing is pro- duced and tested in the same facility in which GE invested $25,500,000 to provide the most advanced hardened and ground Navy gears. The GE control system and electronic power conditioning units also rely on proven designs. For instance, the microprocessor- based, distributed logic control system employs advanced concepts developed for DDG 51 destroyers. Similarly, the electronic power conditioning units draw upon application experience in T-ARC, T-AGOS and other vessels, as well as in steel mills and various demanding industrial environments around the world. First In Teamwork Advanced technology isn't enough. Combining state-of-the- art components into an integrated system also demands vast resources, close teamwork and total commitment. Only GE is diversified enough to offer all three. The resources of our $40 billion Company are brought to bear on the electric drive program through the Naval & Drive Turbine Systems Department, which is also a single point of contact for the Navy and responsible for all project management. As the leading supplier of propulsion and ships service turbine generator systems to the Navy, we are committed to carry-on this Proud Tradition with advanced, integrated electric drive systems. GE Company, 166 Boulder Drive, Fitchburg, MA 01420. GE NAVAL & DRIVE TURBINE SYSTEMS <• Circle 324 on Reader Service Card j: