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Well Logging in Extended-Reach and Horizontal 5860 Marine Minerals: Technology for Mining and At-Sea AcOUStiC PhOtO Imaging & Microwave Instrumentation H. Haugland and S LSvaas. Norsk Hydro Boreholes Processing , pj00m 1Q5 5870 pho,on Backscatter Imaging Devices tor NDT W.H. Fertl, Western Atlas Intl. Inc. W.E. Westemieyer, U.S. Congress Office of Technical nTr Inspection of Offshore TLP Riser, Tendons, and Other Completion and Stimulation of Monterey Formation Assessment OTC Subsea Components Pt. Pedernales Field, Santa Maria Offshore Basin 5861 Marine Minerals Research and Development at the 5866 ^'TnSC LL M°rQan' IDM Corp- and R M Crane and FP" Keeley' T.J. McCollum, Unocal, and A.F. Frederick. Dowell Universities of Hawaii and Mississippi c^I r^ VMW ,ndustries Schlumberger H.J. Olson, P.K. Takahashi, and EC. Higgins, U. Hawaii ®"ta"^ l^ZT^t Z ^ C rb 5871 A Microwave-Based Wellhead Water-Cut Monitor Deepwater North Sea Development—Snorre Field 5862 An Innovation in the Integrated Ocean Mining and Li^er U of WashinSon ^^^ J ° MarrelH a"d E,L D°Wty' T6XaC° L. Oien, Sagga Petroleum A/S/Esso Norge A/S, and J. G.N. Mukherji and S.C. Misra, Goa Group of Companies 5867 Survevtnq0""11 S°Ur°e Synchronizer for Seafloor Platform Reuse & Safety • ROOITI 102 Sandnes, Saga Petroleum a.s. Consultancies . „ .. ... . . o-rr , . _ . . . _ _ ... , J.C. Phillips, J.L. Abbott, and C. de Moustier, Scripps Inst. OTC 5863 Finnish Programs Related to Deep Sea Mining Qf Q^^^ 5872 Drain System Modifications Enhance Platform Safety Offshore Platforms/Structural Member Design • P. PaleRauma-Repola Ocean Mining 5868 Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Corrosion Fatigue in J. Wong, Esso Production Malaysia Inc. Room 100 864 m86 °! Sha,'°W Se,amJCMSrey; " y9 E*P!°Lati0n °f Large Scale Model Testing 5873 Offshore Testing of a Personnel Transfer System ftTr Nearshore Placers Off Maharashtrai Coast, India M. Hval, SINTEF, and M. Eriksen, ROBIT A/S H. El Tahan and D. Howard, Arctec Newfoundland Ltd. u G.V. Rajamanickam, A.R. Gujar, and M.V. Ramanna, Tamil CQ__ ., , . . . .. ,-„„„„„ 5831 New Data on the Ultimate Strength of Tubular Welded n 5869 Underwater Detection and Monitoring of Fatigue K-Jolnts Under Moment Loads 5865 Seabed Mining Complex Project S^T * Dynam'C ^^ * " (continued) S.Y.A. Ma and I.E. Tebbett, Wimpey Offshore V.A. Fedoseev, Inst, of Ocean Economics Stlffeners 5832 Large Scale Ultimate Strength Testing of Tubular K-Braced Frames ___ K.G. Grenda, Exxon Production Research Co.; W.C. Clawson, Consultant; and C.D. Shinners, Esso Australia Ltd. 5833 New Test Data on the Strength of Grouted Connections With Closely Spaced Weld Beads P. Forsyth and I.E. Tebbett, Wimpey Offshore 5834 Experimental Study of Ultimate Strength of Stiffened Circular Cylindrical Shell K. Sekita, H. Kimura, H. Okubo, and Y. Takahashi, Nippon Steel Corp. 5835 How Ring Stlffeners Can Affect Tubular Node Fatigue and Failure Mode G.M. Brown, R. Holmes, and J. Kerr, natl. Engineering Laboratory 5836 Design of Concentric Tubular Members G.R. Imm and B. Stahl, Amoco Production Co. Production Facilities & Process Technology • Room 102 OTC 5837 An Offshore Dehydration System for the Production of the Norphlet Sour Gas in Mobile Bay R.A. Alexander, Mobil E&P Southeast Inc. 5838 Process in Motion: Experience With Oil-Water Separation on the Hutton TLP E.R.G. Bell, F. Skilbeck, A. Stirling, and N. Meldrum, Conoco (U.K.) Ltd. 5839 Operating Experience and the Expansion of Water Injection Facilities on the Statfjord Field to Over 1 Million Barrels Water/Day W.P. Hancock, Statoil 5840 New, Compact Nitrogen Injection System may be Installed at Ekofisk. H.G. Gran, G. Hartmann, A. Vatne, and H.K. Delbeck, Norsk Energi 5841 Design and Commissioning of the Gullfaks "A" Gas Compression System K. Solemslie and T. Bradley, Statoil 5842 Use of Unmanned Platforms in an Offshore Environment A.W. C. Chui, Esso Production Malaysia Inc. Thursday, May 5 • 9 a.m.-Noon Placid's Gulf of Mexico Project • Room 117 OTC 5843 An Overview of Green Canyon Block 20 Development A Gautreaux, Placid Oil Co. 5844 Deepwater Moorings for Green Canyon Block 29 Development P.G.S. Dove and G.B.H. Breese, Omega Marine Services intl., and S. Hanna, Placid Oil Co. 5845 Modification of the Penrod 72 for Green Canyon Block 29 Project J.J. Filson, Omega Marine Engineering Systems Inc., B. Pickard, Placid Oil Co.; and L. Edelblum and A. Henderson, Omega Marine Engineering Systems Inc. 5846 Non-Integral Production Riser for Green Canyon Block 29 Development E.A. Fisher, Cameron Offshore Engineering Inc., and D. Schnittker, Placid Oil Co. 5847 Subsea Template and Trees for Green Canyon Block 29 Development M. Teers, Vetco Gray Inc.; T. Stroud, Placid Oil Co.; and T. Masciopinto, Vetco Gray Inc. 5848 Production and Workover Control System for Green Canyon Block 29 Development M. Prichar, and D. Smith, Vetco Gray Inc., and K. Walsh, Placid Oil Co. 5849 Subsea Pipelines and Flowlines for Green Canyon Block 29 Development R.J. Brown, R.J. Brown and Assocs., and B. Pickard and K. Walsh, Placid Oil Co. Offshore Pipelines—Stability • Room 114 OTC 5850 Effect of Spoilers on Submarine Pipeline Stability C.H. Hulsbergen and R. Bijker, Delft Hydraulics 5851 Forces on Pipelines in Trenches and on Partially Buried Pipelines V. Jacobsen, Danish Hydraulic Inst. 5852 Field Measurements of Wave Forces in Submarine Pipelines R.H. Wilkinson and A.C. Palmer, Hydraulics Research Ltd. 5853 Lateral Resistance of Marine Pipelines on Sand A. Palmer, Andrew Palmer & Assocs. Ltd.; J. Stenfeldt, Danish Geotechnical Inst.; and V. Jacobsen, Danish Hydraulic Inst. 5854 Wave Induced Forces on Pipelines Buried In a Poro-Elastic Sea Bed K. Kokkinowrachos and J. Herb, Technical U. Aachen 5855 Self Burial of Laterally Loaded Offshore Pipelines in Weak Sediments D.V. Morris, R.E. Webb, and W.A. Dunlap, Texas A&M U. Geotechnical Engineering • Room 109 OTC 5856 Storm-Induced Cyclic Effects on Seafloor Soils T. Kagawa, Wayne State U. 5857 Physical Modeling of Absorption Gradients in Marine Sediments P.R. Ogushwitz, Consultant 5858 Growth of Plastic Zone in Porous Medium Around a Wellbore C. Hsiao, Halliburton Services 5859 Rheologic Mechanism for the Remnant Stress in Pressure-Grouted Soils C.E. de M. Fernandes, Tecnosolo S.A. Ocean Minerals & Mining • Room 108 OTC Circle 196 on Reader Service Card After three decades of innovation in circuit breaker design, it$ come down to this. Coming soon. The latest advance in circuit _r\_ cpn Tonhnn InnSot-breaker technology. From SPD, of course. oru 'ecnnoiogies 13500 Roosevelt Blvd. /Philadelphia, PA 19116/(215) 677-4900