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PROPULSION UPDATE MAN B&W's New 28/32A Diesel: Improved Fuel Economy With Same Reliability MAN B&W Diesel A/S, Alpha Diesel, has introduced an "A" ver- sion of their popular medium-speed 28/32 type marine diesel engine which offers a 5 percent improve- ment in fuel efficiency. Through simple modifications, the new 28/ 32A engine achieved a specific fuel consumption of less than 190 g/kwh (140 g/hph), excellent for its class, while retaining reliability and ser- viceability. The upgrading was based upon service experiences of the L/V 28/32 engine. MAN B&W Holeby and MAN B&W Alpha supplied about 200 of these engines with an aggre- gate output of over 330,000 kw (450,000 hp). Through slight modifications of the engine's combustion chamber and air ducts in the cylinder heads, MAN B&W engineers will be able to enhance the engine's fuel economy. Tests conducted on a six-cylinder L/8232 engine (with a turbocbarger) at the group's Augsburg works showed the engine speed to be 750 rpm; the power per cylinder as 220 kw (300 hp); Bmep as 17.9 bar; max- imum combustion pressure as 145 bar; exhaust temperature as 315 de- grees C; and Sfoc as 190 g/kwh (140 g/hph). The test engine results have been confirmed by initial data from the first 6L28/32A production engine on a testbed at Alpha Diesel in Freder- ikshavn. The moderate brake mean effec- tive pressure and the retention of the original safe engine timing are expected to ensure that the exhaust valve overhaul interval can at least be maintained at—or even extended from—8,000 to 10,000 hours on heavy fuel oil and 12,000 to 18,000 hours on MDO, depending on the operational mode and the fuel speci- fication. The engine is designed for opera- tion on fuels up to 700 cst/50 de- grees viscosity. Demonstrations to potential cus- tomers are offered at any power set- ting up to 1,500 kw (2,000 hp) and at up to 10 percent overload. The first 28/32A engines have al- ready been delivered to Norwegian and Danish shipowners. The new 28/32A is available in six, eight and nine-cylinder in-line versions, with a power range of 1,320 kw (1,800 hp) to 1,980 kw (2,700 hp) and in Vee versions with 12 and 16 cylinders, with a range of 2,640- 3,520 kw (3,600-4,800 hp). For free literature detailing the new 28/32A diesel engine from Al- pha Diesel, Circle 44 on Reader Service Card Jotun Cathodic Protection Is New Name Adopted By Skarpenord Corrosion AS Skarpenord Corrosion AS, a ca- thodic protection enterprise and part of the international Jotun group, recently announced that its name has been changed to Jotun Cathodic Protection AS. The new name highlights the company's specialist business and emphasizes its role in the compre- hensive activities of the Jotun or- ganization in corrosion prevention and materials protection. For free literature giving full de- tails on Jotun Cathodic Protection, Circle 68 on Reader Service Card The 28/32A engine type has 280-mm and with 12 and 16 cylinders in V-form. The bore/320-mm stroke. The engine type is output is 1,320-3,520 kw (1,800-4,800 bhp) available with 6, 8, and 9 cylinders in-line at 750 r/min. for sale Gouvernement du Quebec Ministere des Approvisionnements et Services SP ST-LAURENT Construction: Length: Gross tonnage: Net tonnage: Motor: Outfitting: Fibreglass (1977) 55'0" 42.71 11.37 GM, V12, 7122-7700 Patrol boat 6 persons C.E. POULIOT Construction: Length: Gross tonnage: Net tonnage: Motor: Outfitting: Aluminum (1983) 66'2" 107.87 24.76 2X GM, V12, 7122-7300 Patrol boat 8 persons RAYMOND-MOORE Construction: Length: Gross tonnage: Net tonnage: Motor: Outfitting: Steel (1965) 89'0" 135.24 49.89 GM, V16, 7162-7000 Patrol boat 10 persons Application for tenders are available at: Approvisionnements & services Bureau des appels d'offres 150, boul. St-Cyrille est (7e etage) Quebec (Quebec) G1R 5K4 CANADA Telephone: (418) 643-5438 Visits for inspection: April 11th through 15th, 191 For an appointment, contact: Mr. Jean Morin 96, Montee Sandy Beach Case postale 1070 Gaspe (Quebec) G0C 1R0 CANADA Telephone: (418) 368-2642 The necessary documents will be available there Closing and public opening of tenders will be held in Quebec at the Bureau des appels d'olfres (see above address) at 15h00 on May 19th, 1988. Directeur general des approvisionnements Jean-Claude Careau Quebec April, 1988 73