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COMSAT Maritime has every signal you need, including worldwide packet data ana electronic mail service. Before you finalize your ship-to- shore communications system, call us with your data communication require- ments. Because our interconnecting capability with worldwide packet data networks, which is now oper- ational, is only the beginning of our long list of onboard services. Once your ship is equipped with an INMARSAT ship earth station, you can have a variety of shipboard commu- nications that rival anything available on shore: our new land/sea electronic mailbox service, Telex and facsimile, up to the minute weather forecasts, credit card telephone calls to any phone in the world, daily news reports, live radio, a television video news service and even electronic banking. With the communications package that only COMSAT Maritime Services can provide, you can connect to any telephone or computer on shore. So it will be smoother sailing for you, your crew and your passengers. For more information on any COMSAT Maritime Service, or a free reg- istry number and instructions for your own electronic mailbox, call or write Bob Eichberg, Vice President of Marketing. COMSAT Maritime Services 950 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20024,1-800-424-9152 <• Circle 324 on Reader Service Card