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Woodward Governor Forms International Operations Division Woodward Governor Company's president, Mark Leum, an- nounced that vice president Peter Gomm, former general manager of the company's Engine and Turbine Controls Division, has been ap- pointed general manager of the company's newly formed Interna- tional Operations Division. In his new position, Mr. Gomm is respon- sible for all resources, plant, and personnel outside of North Ameri- ca. John Halbrook, former opera- tions manager of Woodward's Fort Collins plant, will replace Mr. Gomm as the general manager of the Fort Collins plant and the En- gine and Turbine Controls Divi- sion. According to Mr. Leum, the for- mation of the new division will allow Woodward Governor Company to more narrowly focus on its overseas business opportunities by providing products and services to an expand- ing marketplace. The new division also will maintain a staff dedicated to its operational needs. For the present, the new division remains headquartered in Fort Collins, Colo. Mr. Gomm joined Woodward Governor Company in 1959, and was appointed a vice president of the company in 1983. He was ap- Class III ROMOR UHMWP Backed Stave. On deck. When you need ROMOR " brand staves, you get them. Fast. No waiting. No need to stockpile. Here's why ROMOR staves are all ways right. Less wait. Always available. Less weight. 75% lighter than brass-backed staves. Less work. Easy to replace. UHMWP backing can't corrode and "freeze" in place as metal does. Fully interchangeable with Class I staves. Less cost in the long haul. Reduced purchase, installation and mainte- nance cost. More protection. Smooth, thin nitrile rubber lining extends bearing and shaft sleeve life. Dependable. Qualified by U.S. Navy to Mil-B-17901 B, Class III specifications. To wait less, reduce weight and lower costs, save your bearings with ROMOR staves. Our brochure will tell you more. Write Lucian Q. Moffitt, Inc., P.O. 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Box 16307 Denver, Colorado 80216 303-320-4555 Telex 45-0009 Circle 110 on Reader Service Card HI-CYCLIC VALVES (Airmatic/Beckett-Harcum; * For hydraulic & pneumatic system control—2. 3 or 4 way operation—lapped stainless steel spool & brass body. Direct ported or manifold mount, single or stacking actuators, mechanical, direct solenoid, solenoid pilot & direct pilot—1 8" to 1 2" ports—NPT or SAE—hydraulic service to 2000 PSI—pneumatic to 150 PSI—Catalog AA-300 Call or write for more information. ZK Lexdir.Inc. £7 299 Gold Rush Road Lexington, KY40503 Tel. (606) 276-5452 pointed general manager of the Fort Collins plant in October, 1986. Mr. Halbrook joined Woodward Governor Company in 1984. He first held the position of production manager, and was appointed opera- tions manager in 1986. Before join- ing Woodward, Mr. Halbrook was operations manager for McGraw Edison. The company designs and manu- factures controls for prime movers. It has headquarters in Rockford, 111., and plants in Fort Collins, Colo.; Steven Point, Wis.; Slough, Eng- land; Hoofddorp, the Netherlands; Campinas, Brazil; Tomisato, Japan; and Sydney, Australia. For more information and free lit- erature on Woodward Governor Company, Circle 85 on Reader Service Card Les Sutton Joins Ingram Barge Company As President Circle 184 on Reader Service Card Circle 205 on Reader Service Card 20 Les Sutton Les Sutton has joined Ingram Barge Company as president, ac- cording to an announcement by Neil N. Diehl, chairman and chief executive officer. Prior to his association with In- gram, Mr. Sutton was, for nine years, president of Dravo Mechling Corporation, a New Orleans-based barge company. He has also served as president of the Riverway Com- pany in Minneapolis and has held various positions with Continental Oil, where he began his career. Mr. Sutton presently serves on the Inland Waterways Users Board and was appointed by the Governor of Louisiana to the Louisiana Shal- low Draft Ports and Waterways Commission. A past chairman of the National Waterways Conference, he has also chaired and been a member of the American Waterways Opera- tors Executive Committee. Oil Leasing In Alaska Wildlife Refuge Approved By Senate Panel The Senate Energy & Natural Re- sources Committee recently ap- proved legislation which would per- mit oil and gas leasing in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The measure is seen as an important step toward opening of the region's coastal plain to energy exploration and development. Oil production in the area could provide a meaningful amount of work for the U.S.-flag tanker fleet. Maritime Reporter/Engineering News